Jul 16, 2007 09:29
I wish I could say this is an exciting update. It’s not.
The weekend was hectic. My sister’s birthday was Friday so we all took her out. Saturday was my Brother-in-Laws installation dinner (It’s an awards dinner for fire-fighters), that was a dress up event that ended really late. Yesterday, my uncle had a mass in honor of my Grandfather (It’s the 30th Anniversary of his passing), so 17 of us took the ride down, went to the church, then out to Brunch. I feel like I was non-stop all weekend.
I am so exhausted, with all the running around, I am not well rested. I also was up from 2am to 4:45 this morning. Ah, yes how I love mornings like this. I should have called out sick, but I hate wasting day just because I’m tired.
I’m trying to catch up on LJ this morning since I wasn’t around over the weekend, apparently there was a lot of good stuff posted.
I’m itching to write, but I’m coming up blank at the moment. If you are reading this, give me a prompt, who knows, maybe I’ll turn it into some porn something. ;)