I am disgusted...

Sep 18, 2007 15:32

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Do we really live in a country where a man is arrested for asking a question?

Should a man be dragged away, wrestled to the ground and tased for using up his "alloted time" at a public debate?

21-year-old Andrew Meyer, a communications major at the University of Florida, was arrested and repeatedly tased for asking Sen John Kerry (D-Mass.) questions regarding the 2004 election and Kerry's involvement in Yale's Skull and Bones secret society.

Meyer didn't yell 'Fire' in a crowded area. He didn't threaten Kerry nor anyone else. He just asked questions...and UFPD, being the power-tripping rent-a-cops they are, hurled Meyer to the floor and jolted him with electricity, blatantly ignoring his cries for help and pleas of, "Don't tase me, bro."

John Kerry claims not to have heard Meyer's screams, but I find that hard to believe. His anguished howls tore through the auditorium and for anyone to claim aural ignorance? It's not only sad, but it must be a lie. I respect Kerry for stating that he wanted Meyer to continue with his line of questioning, but don't understand how one man can sonorously drone on and on while another lies screaming in pain mere feet away.

Asking questions might warrant a physical altercation with law enforcement in a dictatorial nation, but America is not a dictatorship and we, as Americans, have the right to ask whatever the hell we wish without fear of persecution.

The police do not have the right to brutalize law-abiding citizens. Six police officers armed with tasers versus one college student is not a fair fight and I sincerely hope that the officers involved in this incident are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We're being told that we're fighting for freedom and democracy in Iraq. Maybe we should be be fighting for it at home first.


MSNBC coverage
The Gainesville Sun coverage
Michelle Malkin -- a truly despicable human being in every sense of the word.
Jon Robin Baitz -- More Pinter Than Pythom @ The Huffington Post
Greg Lukianoff -- Florida Tasers Away Student Rights @ The Huffington Post
Nick Antosca -- Kerry Should Be Ashamed and the Cop Who Tased Andrew Meyer Should Be Jailed

politics, angry, disgust, videos

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