Distance means nothing to me

Jun 21, 2007 13:21

In exactly one month, I'll be packing up my stuff and driving off into the sunset...and by sunset, I mean to Philadelphia with Dan.


Can we just focus on this for a second? Two years ago, if you would have told me that I'd be leaving Orlando and moving in with Dan (also known then as 'The Internet Boy'), my jaw would have smashed against the floor.

Now, it's a reality. My reality.

Leaving Florida is going to be tough but I'm trying really hard to keep a few things in mind:

1. When you love someone, distance means nothing. Am I going to miss everyone? Like crazy, but there's LJ and MySpace and phones and care packages. Just because you're not in the same area code any more, it doesn't mean the love disappears.

2. 1000 miles is a helluva lot closer than 5000 miles and it's much easier to fly into Philadelphia International Airport than it is to fly into Heathrow.

3. Every move I've made has been a good one. Moving from England to the States? Great decision. Moving from West Palm to Orlando? Another great decision. I'm sure moving to Philadelphia will be just as great as the moves of my past.

4. I'm doing the right thing. Dan and I deserve to be together instead of riding phone lines every night. We owe it to ourselves.

I'm a little nervous about the drive. I've never done distance driving before, so if y'all have any tips -- send 'em my way!

I really wish I had a laptop so I could blog the experience, but instead, I'll be kicking it (semi) old-school by taking pictures and scribbling notes in a three-ring notebook. I was planning on taping the trip, but I think that would get old really quick -- "And here's I-95. Trees, signs, more trees, zombies crawling out of the woods...What? Yeah, it's time to pull over."

So -- moving to Philly in a month. Excited, nervous, a little sad but on the whole -- ready for the next phase of my life to start. Change is good.

And finally -- reason #146498413165847446 I love Dana. Last night, we were hanging out watching World's Best Places to Pig Out, Dana turned to me and said, "I would shit myself into a coma if you stayed in Florida."

If that's not love, ladies and gentlemen, I don't know what is.

life, change, moving, crew, love, family, boyfriend

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