Activity Check + other 9000 other things

Aug 24, 2009 14:05

Right--so lets see how much I can get out with this headache. D|

First and foremost!

Please run this through the Admin Console

friend remove 1st-twin
friend remove horses-run-free

You're nowww in "Summer Vacation" It'll last for about a week 8'3 so just keep in mind not to send your characters off on a two week cruise. Term starts back up September 1st! 8"D

So everyone will be moving up a grade level! (Or staying the same if they didn't get enough hours.) You'll also be creating your characters GPA for the semester 83b

The number of cumulative credit hours students have earned will determine their classification. Freshmen are between 1 to 23.5 completed hours. Sophomores are between 24 to 59.5 completed hours. Juniors are between 60 to 89.5 completed hours. And Seniors are 90 or more completed hours. Students are also classified by which term in their class year they are. Each class level generally takes two terms to complete and are shown by a Roman numeral after their year designation. A student that has just begun university and has earned no credits will be a Freshman I. A student that is in the second half of their Junior year will be a Junior II.

Be realistic when you fill this out~ If you feel like your character skipped out a few days, got sick whatever just don't get too crazy with your calculations if anyone actually wants to calculate |D

Oh, and like most colleges (yes, I know we skimped out on trying to get you to update your schedules for the different terms *cough*) you have to fill out a NEW SCHEDULE! 8"D (you can do that here)

as well as re-signing up for a NEW DORM ROOM 8'D (again you can do this here) After all it's not college if you aren't roomed up with someone different. Sign your name and we'll switch you around and with someone entirely new! :3

Oh! For those that are going to be seniors, do feel free to sign up for the Senior Single! 8'D

I--think this is all. D| If I'm missing anything I'll just post a new entry and what not 8'3

Student Name:
Club activities:
Current grade:

How many hours did your character rack in?

schedule, rooming, *linlin, new term, activity check

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