(no subject)

Apr 30, 2008 12:43



Quality counts over quantity, but don't be afraid to show us what you got. We love well-thought out applications, but it doesn't have to be a book report. A response will be given as soon as possible. Don't worry, we're not uptight elitists that will grade you on every scale, just provide us with a detailed understanding of your character and background.

Things to Note
  • A key to a good application is detail, quality, and feel. We're not looking for book reports, but an application that looks like more than just three minutes was spent on it will likely get approved.

  • The more detailed you are about your character, the better your chance is at getting approved. Keep in mind that quality is better than quantity; you could write us pages of something and still end up rejected if the quality is poor.

  • It's also a plus if you show that you have a firm grasp and understanding of the character you are playing. Show us that you care about this character as much as we care about running this RP. Good luck!

Send to evergrove.admissions [a] gmail dot com

Subject line should read: "Evergrove University - [Character Name/Fandom]".

OOC Information

Player's Name/Nickname:
AIM or Email:
RP Experience: This is important. This game prefers for all applicants to have some experience under their belt with journal thread RP's and Paragraph AIM logs. However, if this is your first time doing either, don't let it discourage you. Just show us what you can do.

Character Information

Name: What is your character's full name? Do they have any aliases? If they don't have a last name, make one up. If you really can't make one up, you are free to skip it. But go ahead and give it a shot at least, never hurts to try.

Series/Fandom: Please state where your character originates from. If this is a created character, simply write "Original".

Age: Self explanatory. This is a college RP, that means your character's age should be around 18 and over. Yes, this means that younger characters are now older. Exceptions may vary depending on whether or not your character is a genius or canonly known for attending college at a young age. Before you submit a super genius application, please inquire with the moderators for approval first. This is college, not high school.

Gender: Well, yeah...

Sexuality: Provide an explanation, if possible. We'll need to know why you think your character is the chosen sexuality. All sexual orientations are accepted, but bare in mind that this isn't yaoi land

Student or Faculty Member/Professor: If student make sure to include what year. If Professor/Faculty Member make sure to include what subject they teach or their profession on campus. Please be aware that you must have permission from a moderator before applying as a Professor/Faculty. This is only so we can control the amount of professors play in the game, we want to make it a general student-only environment, but professors are welcome to play as well.

Major: List their Major.

Minor: (Optional) List their minor.

Residence: If you're a student and wish to live at the dorms, simply write dormitories. However, if you plan to reside somewhere off-campus, please explain where your character lives. In the city with roommates, their own apartment, with their parents, whatever. As always, faculty members are not allowed to live in the dorms.

Occupation: (Optional) Note here if they have a part-time job anywhere. A job can be any of the locations on campus (cafe, library) or made-up either downtown or in the local area. Be as creative as possible. For example, Cloud would make an awesome Pizza Delivery Boy (see the slight canon?).

What does your character look like? What are they known for wearing? Any special features that may stand out? Be detailed, and that means two sentences won't cut it. Be as descriptive as possible here.

Describe your character's personality. Changes can be subtle, but nothing over-the-top. Characters that are known for being stern are not suddenly flamboyant. Be as descriptive as possible with this, we need to see you have a feel for what your character is like. This is a vital part of your application as it shows you know his/her canon behavior. Provide us with at least a paragraph or two. A few sentences will not cut it.

Try to remain slightly in-character when writing this, but you can be as creative with it as you'd like. Please provide at least 2 paragraphs.

Journal-Entry RP Sample:
This is a first-person sample done in the form of a journal entry. Your character's voice must be present within this sample. The sample should read where we know exactly who the character is just by the entry alone. Please provide at least 8 sentences.

Third-Person RP Sample:
This is a third-person sample done in the form of an RP thread. Don't fret!! This is NOT a large deciding factor of your application! This is only so we can see you're able to interact through means of threading/logging when necessary. Be aware that while we don't mind short sentence replies in logs, paragraph role-playing is strongly encouraged here. We don't expect huge lengthy book replies, but single-sentences are discouraged. A paragraph or two is all we expect. You are welcome to provide samples from other RP's so as long as it's of the character you are applying for. Must be a minimum of 300 words.

Have you read the Guidelines & FAQ? Well, have you?

Send to evergrove.admissions [a] gmail dot com

Subject line should read: "Evergrove University - [Character Name/Fandom]".
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