Oct 09, 2007 08:25


Should I do it? A few of you know that I write, though not very many... And I DO have a shit ton that needs done... (My bleach flashfic is late!! GUH!.. Plus, I've signed up for 4 different prompt lists... And I have my multi-chapter fic going...) But it's just one month, right?

Guh.. I just don't know.. On one hand, I want to wait until next year, but who's to say it will even happen? Shit alwayscomes up one way or another.. But putting out 50k words in one month? Scary shit.. I suppose I could give it a shot? I don't know.. OPINIONS PLZ!!!


I got my tongue pierced on Saturday.. XD I whined to the poor piercer guy, lol.. He was super awesome about it, though... Soooo, since I'm a suck client, I tipped him 10.. And the idiot who went in before me tweaked out, stressed the poor piercer out and then DIDN'T EFFING TIP AT ALL!!!! So I felt bad for him...

It sucked a bit... Didn't really hurt, just burned a little.. From the stretch I suppose... He did it with a 122 guage, which isn't something I've heard of happening often? Oh well.. It should keep it from tearing as easily.. And my tongue got HUGE!!! They put me on drive through order take at work, the bastards... Good thing I could still talk coherantly(even though it fucking hurt like a bitch!!!)

Ahem.. so yeah.. And I hung out with my brother yesterday.. who is absolutely my favorite person in the world.. We talked about gaming, fandom, Halo 3... XD I told him about how much I wanted to get into that game, but I CANNOT stand first person shooting games.. So he told me that he had all of the Halo books, gave me a synopsis of the story line and told me how awesome the whole thing was.. Pretty impressive! So IO'm going to borrow his books and settle for that, lol..

Then we talked about RPGs... We talked about Parasite Eve(the first game he got me into?), Final Fantasy and Resident Evil... I bitched about how I REALLY loved Parasite Eve, but it was too danmed slow paced! And he said that if I thought it was, I probably wouldn't be too thrilled with RE.. ..

Then we talked about RPGs online and how my fandom is much different from his.. (He used to be huge into Dragonball Z... RPGed on AOL?) and got into a debate on canon RPGs versus AU RPGs...

It really is awesome!!! I super adore him.. He's 19... And AWESOME!!! :D

We also talked about my writing and the two gals I beta for...<333333

And we talked about family stuff, his girlfriend, how weird girls are, how sucky in-laws are, lol.. Some psychological shit...

Yeah, what was supposed to be 20 minutes of visiting turned into about 2+hours of talking about EVERYTHING!!!

He seriously is awesome, though.. He wants me to watch Gundam Wing with him... Well.. I'd talked abotu him joining us for Anime Sunday sometime, and he was all; Maybe if we watch dragonball z? I have no interest really... I HATE HATE HATE the art/animation style... I am curious about Gundam Wing though.. Ooooh.. We also talked about the different Gundams.. and Dragonballs... And how Kubo Tite didn't get Bleach out on his first try and WHY he tried again!!!

Yeah.. Brother is hella awesome.

Ummm, other news?

Transfer to Franklin is go. I now have a sert schedule. I work Tues-Fri close. 40 hours. Pay rate is same...

Ummm... Depression rate is lower.. ? Awesomeness, I say!!!

I drew two decent pics.. One is ByakuyaxOLDER!Yachiru.. XD

The other is UlquiXhime.. Ulqui's face is AWESOME.. Body needs some work, and Hime doesn't look like herself.. Still decent.. But her boobs? AWESOME! And I free-handed a hand! It looks really great.. XD

I have a couple of really awesome hands in this book... I'm reallllly proud..

I've not been writing as much as I need to... *shrugs* I shall strap down and get to work, then...

And I started in on Hot Gimmick? OH MA GAWD!!!

First time I've ever started fan-girling in the first chapter, lol. So I shall look for more, today...

did I tell you all that I did ma hair? I chopped off over 2 feet a couple of weeks ago... Dyed it the normal red.. And then put a bright ass red in the very front!

It's super hawt.. I'll post pics of the hair and my new piercing soon. :)

So my piercing count is now up to.... 12? Including ears..

Tattoo count is still at 2.. :( Too much friggin money!!! EXPENSIVE!!! And I can't bring myself to snatching out of my anime/manga fundage for it! *shame*
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