My Ishida Uryu/Orihime Inoue Claim.
Original Prompts
1. Cold hands
2. The subconscious
3. Anvil
4. Diabolical
5. Trickery
6. Soooo not funny!
7. Think pink
8. Analysis
9. Rush
10. Dictionary
11. Mission Impossible
12. Gargoyle
13. Heads or tails, you lose
14. Craven
15. Take a hint
16. Crème de la crème
17. Garden Vista
18. Disheveled
19. Home body
20. Take it in your stride
21. The Devil's Advocate
Shadow 23. Flowers
24. The puppet master
25. Maillot
26. Oxymoronic
27. Love, hate and the like
28. Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou?
29. Affaire de Cœur
30. Aesthesiogen
Bonus Prompts
1. The Library
2. Janitor
3. Cologne
4. Pins and Needles
5. Forget-me-not/memory
Remaining Prompt Options
1. cold feet
2. Bury
3. Banter
4. Highest order
5. Magic
6. Sarcasm
7. Blow
8. Collection
9. Exhilaration
10. Thrill
11. Search
12. limitation
13. Ace
14. Dice
15. Aristocrat
16. Democracy
17. Scram!
18. On top
19. Carnival
20. Elysium El Dorado
21. Thunder
22. In the Rain
23. Stay
24. Bubbles
25. Walk
26. advocatus diaboli
27. Ouch!
28. Footfall
29. Flame
30. control freak
31. strings
32. paradox
33. Ananias
34. emotions
35. Bookshop
36. Freak
37. Strange smells
38. Perfume
39. Headache
40. photo
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