I stole this from Jacob. You should all be listed.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) If
fd_captain took over the world, who would suffer? Liberals
2) If
katiedoodles21 had a superpower, what would it be? The ability to torture men with the snap of her fingers
3) What color should
mrskennychesney dye their hair? She shouldn't. I can't think of another color on her.
4) Is
thatforyou athletic? she's been running through my mind all day LOL
5) What video game does
fd_captain remind you of? something with fire
6) Where did you first meet
dropoutbitch? high school
7) What would
im_an_ass give
dropoutbitch for his/her birthday? hopefully he would give her a STD test
8) Does
tayleigh travel a lot? yeah, she gets around
9) What word best describes
thatforyou? kick-ass
10) Would you ever date
senortaco? keep dreaming, Dave
11) Does
im_so_industry know
kimass? nope
12) When did you last call
mrskennychesney? I don't think I've ever called her
13) What is
katiedoodles21's shoe size? probably like an 8.5 or 9
14) What do you disagree with
senortaco about? Jacob's gayness
15) What animal does
senortaco remind you of? a jackalope... hell I don't know
16) If
trishaaah and
alonestar were spliced together, what would it be like? a hilarious walking contradiction
17) What mental disorder does
senortaco remind you of? is denial a mental disorder? Jacob's gay, dude
18) One thing you can't stand about
senortaco? his passiveness. Jump in the convo a little more. man
19) Has
karebearhero dyed their hair? LOL Taylor dyed it for her. It turned out a bit ghetto
20) What languages does
dropoutbitch speak? none. Can't talk with all the man meat in her mouth
21) What animal should
senortaco be combined with? a penguin. Tookie would shit
22) Could you see
katiedoodles21 and
trishaaah together? if Katie needed a little more on her check, sure
23) What is
dropoutbitch's favorite movie? Debbie Does Dallas. It inspires her
24) Would you wrestle
senortaco in jello? No, Dave. No.
25) Is
katiedoodles21 popular? I think everyone but Scott loves her
26) Is
im_so_industry a nerd? no, she's the trendiest of trendy
27) Does
alonestar go to your school? yep
28) Is
fd_captain friends with
kimass? nope
29) Which of your friends should
senortaco go out with? hmmm. how bout Trisha?
rhodesgomer's hair color? who the hell knows. It's probably three different colors right now
31) What would you do if you found out
rhodesgomer has a crush on you? oh, we've been through that one before
32) Does
kimass do drugs? sometimes I wonder...
33) Does
im_so_industry drink? she's mentioned it in her LJ a few times
34) Would
im_an_ass and
dropoutbitch make a good couple? absoulutely not
35) If
senortaco took over the world, who would be happy? Dave
36) Is
trishaaah a college student? was
37) What exotic animal would
karebearhero like as a pet? a carebear. Are those exotic?
38) If
alonestar and
im_so_industry were spliced together, what would be its name? Alfred. For no particular reason
39) Does
im_an_ass have a dog? too many to name
40) How many monkeys could
katiedoodles21 fight at once and win against? those monkeys best not mess with her.
41) Would
alonestar go out with
dropoutbitch? Mallory would kick her fat, herpes ridden ass
42) How would
alonestar conquer the world? she'd beat everyone at a staring contest
43) What would
hopeisbrave think of
alonestar? I know she likes her. Probably thinks she's a bit crazy
44) Do you think
senortaco is hot? Jesus Christ! Dave is having a field day with these
45) What would
hopeisbrave do differently in your shoes? she'd get my ass to church
46) How long have you known
karebearhero? 3 years
47) Is
kimass 1337? um, sure. Oh, and she's PT too
48) Would you make out with
senortaco? son of a bitch. no.
49) Would
dropoutbitch be a better ninja or pirate? butt pirate
50) Do you have
sakcg21's screenname? yep
51) What planet should
alonestar be from? Texas. those people aren't from this world
52) Does
mrskennychesney smoke? I don't think so
53) What is
alonestar's favorite band/artist? I'm guessing Copeland
54) Have you flirted with
fd_captain? don't think so
55) What flavor of jello would
karebearhero be? Raspberry
hopeisbrave's eye color? blue
57) Do you have a crush on
senortaco? damn it. no. again
58) Did
fd_captain break up with you? nope
59) Is
sakcg21 single? last i knew
60) What would you do if
katiedoodles21 died? cry like a bitch
61) Is
senortaco dead sexy? damn it to hell!
62) If
hopeisbrave commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? everyone loves Bing. I think we would all follow her
63) Is
fd_captain related to you? nope
64) Are
rhodesgomer and
thatforyou going steady? that would be strange
65) Does
trishaaah have a big secret? probably something like Tookie is really the love child of Lil Jon
66) If
alonestar was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? LOL Smokehouse?
67) Where was
trishaaah born? Philly
68) What is
im_so_industry's favorite color? blue? Don't know her that well
69) Where was
mrskennychesney born? not even a clue
70) Is
sakcg21 related to
alonestar? nope. We were basement bitches together though
71) Is
mrskennychesney in a relationship? Don't think so
72) Where would
rhodesgomer most like to visit? no idea. I should know this
73) Would you set up
trishaaah and
sakcg21? I think Trisha would've loved Sarah. Not in the bam-bam way though
74) Do
mrskennychesney and
sakcg21 go to the same school? they did
75) Is
alonestar a high school student? was
76) What is
alonestar's favorite food? shit. Scattered Smothered Covered?
77) What is
sakcg21's biggest flaw? can't say. She was wiser than the rest of us
78) What song/movie would you recommend to
katiedoodles21? Ole McDonald Rap. It's a classic
79) One quality you find attractive in
senortaco? I just thought it was over
80) Are
mrskennychesney and
rhodesgomer going out? nope. not even close
81) Thoughts on
karebearhero? I love her! The person I often refer to as the "right side of my body." I hardly go anywhere without her. SHe's practically a member of my family as far as my parents are concerned.
82) Is
trishaaah introverted or extroverted? extroverted
83) Does
fd_captain have a crush on
im_so_industry? I would assume the do not know each other
84) How tall is
rhodesgomer? 5'10?
85) Has
hopeisbrave been to your house/dorm? we used to share a room, but she hasn't been to my apt
86) Are
im_so_industry and
rhodesgomer married? LOL no
87) Would
kimass and
senortaco look good together? sure. Anything for me stpo answering questions about Dave
88) How would
im_so_industry kill
fd_captain? she would probably fling cds at him
89) Is
katiedoodles21 an emo? hell, no
90) What is
kimass's favorite game? seatbelt test!
91) How long would
fd_captain dating
senortaco last? two cnservative, striaght men. Ehhh. about 10 seconds
92) What is
trishaaah allergic to? stupid people
93) What rank would
fd_captain have in a giant robot army? captain
94) Is
alonestar your best friend? towards the uppper region of my firend list
95) If
sakcg21 were hanging off a cliff, what would
kimass do? laugh. then help her
96) If
senortaco and
alonestar were siamese twins, where would they be joined? it would be funny if they were joined at the head
97) Which president would
kimass be likely to idolize? Kennedy
98) What do you agree with
thatforyou about? that Buck is awesome and Kaite B. is crazy. Oh and Macs rock
99) What comic book character would
alonestar be? one that cussed people out alot and had a wonder dog named Reggie
100) Have you ever dated
senortaco? for the last time, no