Holy shit, what a week. Er, two weeks. Ok, so since the last update. My parents came and moved me out of my apartment with much ado and drama. Finished my semester with three A's and two B's. Partied it up for Becca's birthday. Made a girl spaz over Kenny Chesney's wedding. Had a fantabulous evening with Ryan, Jacob, and Andy (haha "BANG,BANG, BANG!). Went to Jane's retirement party at the library. Worked 3 days straight. Hit up the Carousel with my porn star friend. Had an interesting dinner with Trisha, Duffey, and Cornbread. Spent some quality time with my doggy. Timeshare speeches early monday morning. And then Kim and I roasted our asses at the lake today.
And I'm still sick. Even after Bozeman gave me a shot, a week's worth of antibiotics, and cough syrup with Hydrocodone in it. Yes, I've had some drugged out nights.
After Monday night spent with Jacob and Jeff, I have realized that Jacob and I are in completely different places. Jacob and I both have a lot going for us. The difference between us that upsets me the most is that Jacob takes that for granted. I've worked hard for what I've achieved, and I have been scared out of my mind to even jeopardize where I'm at. I realized last night that Jacob doesn't really care about what he has to lose. I've cut so many loose cannons out of my life, and it's sad to see that Jacob will most likely be the next.
I am constantly trying to grab my next rung up on the ladder because that's what you have to do in this business. I can't stall. I don''t want to wake up 40 years old and be a nobody. I've tried to surround myself with people who have dreams and aspirations. And most importantly people who are willing to bust their asses to get to them.
I'm not saying I've never gone over board. Jeezus, I have, but I know when to stop. I eventually stop punishing myself or trying to bury emotions in things that will win in the end. It may take me making a couple of very large fuck-ups, but I eventually get it. And there's a list of people who cannot do the above mentioned things that I have cut ties with. Not because I don't love them, but because I can't place myself around negative influences like that.
And thus, Jacob, my breaking point. I cannot risk my future on a joint, a drink, a fuck-fest, or a friend's petty theft. I wish you would realize the same thing. We've got places to go, and if those around us aren't interested, then we must leave them behind.
Don't you love optimistic posts?