when you wanna be something the world can't define

Jun 23, 2006 11:00

Important things to note today:


2. Andrew Jackson had a big block of cheese, and thank you Leo McGarry for helping me to mildly kick ass at Trivial Pursuit last night. (We so would have won if *someone* hadn't gotten all tired and stuff. Pshaw. I really miss late night games of Trivial Pursuit from 1981). In honor, I watched 'The Crackpots and these Women' from S1 TWW when I got home, and I gotta say, that one would probably be pretty high up on my list of favorite episodes if it weren't for that whole "Gee golly gosh! Look at these here liberated womens!" thing at the end. :p

3. Apparently, according to Hillary Duff anyway, I grew up in the ghetto. I didn't think I could hate anyone related to that whole group of people more than the one twin who called us all white trash, but it seems that I can. Is she really that stupid?

4. I'm volunteering with Ashley at a local music festival tomorrow. Music, free food, sunshine, and (hopefully) cool people. Should be a good time.

5. I'm working tonight, and Sunday. Which kinda sucks, but whatever. I'm resigned to the fact that my manager hates me. It shouldn't last too much longer, anyway. Also, I just remembered, I have no idea what the store's hours are on July 4. I didn't request off, I hope I don't have to work. Eeeep!

6. I know I had something else to say this morning. Consider this a placeholder.

personal: b&n, waldorf worldwide, tv: the west wing, music

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