I meant to post this earlier. And then I didn't. So here it is now. :)
Before I say anything, I just want to make it clear that Ruskie Business is my favorite episode, hands down. I didn't start watching VM until the break between 1x12 and 1x13 last year, and Ruskie Business was only the third episode I ever watched in real time, and it was kind of the one that made me fall madly in love with the show. I mean, remember the rabid fangirling that took place around these parts last spring? Never would have happened if I hadn't seen 1x15. Also, after watching this episode last night, I skipped ahead in my S1 rewatch and watched it. So. That being said.
From the moment Logan smashed that lamp in Veronica's apartment in NitW, I've been worried about the fine line the writers are making him walk. It's not that I think for a second he would hurt Veronica, because I'm more convinced than ever that she's the only person he really cares about at this point, but I'm kind of worried about who he's going to shoot before the season ends. He's being pushed and pushed and pushed and we've already seen him with the gun twice and it just doesn't look like it's going to end well. Not that I want it to, or anything. It's more that I'm still worried about what the writers think of Logan these days. I'm okay with him being sneaky and a bit despicable. In fact, I'm okay with him doing a lot (a lot) of horrible things, but there's a certain place that a character can't come back from, at least for me personally, and I'm just worried that the writers want to take him there.
I have hope, though. RT has finally given me a glimmer of hope that he doesn't actually think Logan is an irredeemable bastard, and that's something at least. (Also, thank you, Rob, for the line about true love. Yes, it was a cute nod, yes I enjoyed it, but really, do we need to compare Veronica and Logan to VD like that so soon? I'm still smarting over here.) Now, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that instead of treating him like she normally does, Veronica will find it in herself to at least be sympathetic to his situation. It's not like she's never done anything horrible (or used someone she genuinely liked) to get to the truth. And you know what, V? That awful life you had last year? Doesn't hold a freaking candle to what Logan's going through these days, which was nicely highlighted by that dumb show Dick made Logan watch, so how about we back off just a little bit? Hmm?
I'm really not sure what Kendall and Aaron are trying to accomplish by getting Duncan DNA from his shower. Because, for one, I don't understand where they could possibly put it that would frame Duncan in any way. I was under the impression that the evidence was all tampered with, and thus inadmissible, or, you know, non-existent. And besides that, Duncan was Lilly's brother, right? He lived in close proximity to her, right? So how would finding his hair on anything that belonged to her matter? And also, along those lines, what's the significance of the Kane house being sold, I wonder? And for another thing, what happens if she grabbed one of Veronica's hairs from the shower? See, I think I just don't get it. Am I missing something? (I am, however, hoping more and more that Aaron walks. In real life, he totally would.)
Other than that, it bugs me that we got Wallace back for a big NOTHING. He was sitting next to Jane in that last scene and I was like, oh yeah. Wallace. He should have been more involved with Veronica finding out what happened, since he presumably cares about this Jane girl, right? Mehhhhh. Way to under use the BFF, guys.
And finally, I just cannot bring myself to care about this bus crash thing, and I'm pretty sure that's not going to change any time soon. Unless it's all Duncan's fault. ;)
Also, I just had possibly the best day I've had since I started working here. There was nothing going on in the office at all today, and so my boss decided we'd all go out for lunch. And instead of just going across town, he took us to DC. We ate at some upper-crusty trendy kind of restaurant right by the Capitol Building. It was good food and the weather was almost perfect: blue skies, big puffy clouds and warmer than it's been the last few days. If nothing else, I can't wait for spring and cherry blossoms and actual warm weather. So yay. I love my city. I'm pretty sure I'll end up living there someday. You know, a long, long time from now when I can afford to live in Georgetown. Which will be never, but hey. A girl can dream.
And two of my favorite boys are coming tonight and we're going out to eat and then seeing V for Vendetta. So. Double yay! :)