I feel like I've been updating my LJ a lot more than I should considering I still don't have the Internet at home...
Friday night was unexpectedly spent out with Ashley and Mike, traipsing around downtown Annapolis for a few hours. We also, very very randomly, ran into the 34-year-old former RA from last year. Which was all sorts of weird and world-collide-y, let me tell you.
I spent Saturday with my mother, who didn't bail on me for once! She came and saw the apartment, and we went shopping and got food and brought the rest of my stuff up to my room. Now I have musty old boxes cluttering up my room full of stuff I haven't looked at in four years. The thought of going through it all and reliving all that again is a little more than daunting.
I had to work all day yesterday, which wasn't so bad, actually. I'm getting the hang of everything that needs to be done, and I'm on my way to becoming a whiz at that stupid espresso bar, so I'm sure as soon as I feel comfortable there they'll plant me over on the book floor and I'll have to start all over again. :p
Saturday night I went to see Jarhead with Ashley, Chris, and Mike. My short, somewhat shallow, and not-very-spoilery reactions, upon leaving the theater:
1. Jake and Peter? Need to make out. For serious. Or at the very least, make lots more movies together. Yes.
2. Jaaaaaaaaaake.
3. I want to have Sam Mendes' babies. This works out, because then I'd get to be Kate Winslet. ;) But seriously, the man knows how to frame a shot. Mmmm, yes.
4. Someone please, just give Peter Sarsgaard an Oscar. Please? So much love.
5. All of that being said, while I really enjoyed the movie, I thought the ending was a little lackluster. It didn't pack quite the emotional punch I think it was going for. I think I'll have to take Ashley's advice and read the book.
And finally,
I don't know about you, but I really thought it was kind of lame, and not just because I had to watch it taped because I was at work for most of it. I caught myself spacing out through most of the debate, and I eventually fast-forwarded through a lot of it. That sort of thing might have worked with Martin Sheen, maybe, but I really think there's a good reason we only saw parts of his big debate. It just, wasn't nearly so compelling as I was hoping it would be. Or maybe I'm just still sore from last year's election season (the whole "I voted for it before I voted against it" thing? Not amusing. Just had me rolling my eyes.)
Also, does anyone know why Kristen Chenoweth is always in the credits regardless of whether she's in the episode? Allison Janney, John Spencer, Martin Sheen, Bradley Whitford all make sense to me always being in the credits, but what the hell has Annabeth ever done to earn that? (It also makes me very sad that Richard Schiff has been taken off the always-in-the-credits list. *single tear*)
I suppose I should rustle up some work. ...really, I just wanted an excuse to say rustle up.