Jan 08, 2005 15:46
my parents went to tampa yesterday so they left me and my grandma and dylan to gether well me and my grandma have bbeen at each others necks shouting and yelling and basically my brother turned out lik a saint and got 10 bucks but remember hes a saint. omg i just aint the last supper im so screwed my mom is commin home in 1 hr. i lost it this morning my grandma is like do u want me dead or something im lik i never said that then shes lik o ur a dirty lier all u do is lie so is it that u hate me and i told her cause im at this point already screwed im lik yes grandma and if u dont treat me lik crap mabe i wouldnt. so after that whole screaming mathch shes lik clean the god damn kitchen im lik y cant dylan do it hes been up for soo long y didnt u ask him shes lik because ur qa girl and thats womans work i was lik WTF hell fuck no. and so she starts making up crap that i did that i didnt do and when i deny it shes lik ur a lier. u kno what i cant deal with her so i start screaming she starts screaming and this is how its been for the last 2 days. so when my mom comes home i kno theres gonna be hell to pay. she is gonna woop my asss and i kno it. i swear to god i hate my grandmother shes such a bitch i swear.GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! o well. this is gonna suck....
and after today im gonna leave
1 the rest of my feeswhich is in my savings account to magic to patrick cause hes a poor mother
2. sponge bob poster goes to ansaria
3.my kewl new walmart backpack goes to harry cause he needs a new 1
3.the band bag goes to gezzi cause hes kewl
4. my gardinelli c 8 french horn mouthpeice goes to almarieda she is the next me but she can play her scales
5.my clothing goes to the poor indian people that got hit by the tsunami
6.my horn shall go to gezzi
7.harry u get all my mello crap (because u really want it) my leadership position (fun fun fun)
8.umm bryan williams u get themouthpeie that is compleately exposed brass u should play on it every day and ansaria might give u a shot take it rotor oil is good for u
9. cedric u get my wooden flute
10.my bass will go to my little brother
11. my guitar goes to harry
all else will be auctioned off teh the highest bidder
o for patrick heres a bunch or periodsand othe rrandom punctuation marks...............................!?!?!?!?:"';',,,,.....,,,,,,
JESSIE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol