The Sting

Aug 30, 2006 16:11

There must be a bee colony residing near our back door, because over the weekend Lauren got stung on our back stoop, and this afternoon as I was opening the door for the boys I felt a little tickle under my hand. I looked and there was a bee on my palm. I have no idea why it didn't sting me, but I'm very grateful, as the last time I was stung I had to go to the emergency room. So I annihilated him with half a can of aerosol hairspray. I've been told that's cruel, but as far as I'm concerned, with those things it's kill or bee killed. Ha ha.

Also our dog is gone, as of about 30 minutes ago. Our neighbor, a retired cop who's lived there for over 40 years, called our landlord to complain about his 'incessant barking', which was a total lie. He said the dog barks all day when we're not home, which is ass, because I'm ALWAYS HOME. It's like, in my job description: Stay AT HOME Mom. Anyway, he's off to live at the in-laws' for a few days, then hopefully with John's uncle. Maybe we can borrow him back if we ever move. So basically now I am so alone, which I guess is what I deserve. This is going to be the hardest night - and I've had a LOT of hard nights. I wish I had my best friend to talk to. Alternately, I wish I didn't need people so damn much that I always manage to fuck everything up by being defensively offensive. Alternately, I wish I was the kind of person who did drugs alone.
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