Fic: In Your Arms, Chapter 26

Apr 01, 2012 14:23

Title: In Your Arms
Rating: This chapter, NC-17
Warning: Sexual assault, language, violence
Pairing: Vam!
Summary: High school AU. A repressed Ville has had a crush on Bam for years, but the skater has never noticed him. However, when he does, Ville begins to break out of his confines with the skater’s help and Bam finally finds some stability in his life. But everybody knows things do not always go well.

Some chapter are friend-locked, so please go here and comment to be added! I don't bite, promise. ;D

Previous Chapters~ Here

<---Chapter 25

Recap (since it's been a while): Ville has finally gotten back from Finland with Anette and been reunited with Bam. Bam had woken up from his not-coma and everything is rainbows and unicorns and fluffy bunnies until Darren shows up in their hospital room and takes Ville captive. Read on to see what happens next...

Ville froze instantaneously, green eyes wide and horrified at the cold steel pressed tight against his throat. The hand in his hair that held his head back yanked harder and he groaned in pain, wincing with his hands making taut fists at his sides.

“Shanks, Shanks, let him go or I swear-” Bam bit out, his wild attempt of diving out of bed to Ville aborted from the sight of the wicked knife held to Ville’s frail neck. The metal was already drawing blood and Bam’s anger and fear bubbled in his stomach as red dripped quietly down pale skin.

Darren just laughed and shook Ville by his hair, the smaller boy in his grasp gasping and reaching up to try and stop him with quivering hands, yelping. The pain brought tears to Ville’s eyes and the fear that he was about to be killed made them spill over and slip silently down his cheeks. He’d been finally reunited with Bam and now he was going to be ripped away again in the most agonising of ways imaginable- rape and then murder. The pain at his throat and scalp wasn’t even comparable to the ache in chest at being torn away from his lover again.

When Bam saw the wetness trail down Ville’s cheeks his heart almost broke, but when he looked into Ville’s eyes he saw that not all the fight had gone out of him, that there was a hardness and determination in them that he hadn’t seen before. The spirit in Ville’s eyes made his heart lift but made him fear for Ville, scared if his boyfriend would so something stupid and get him killed before Bam could find a way to get out of this mess.

“Or you’ll do what, Margera?” Darren sneered, “tell me, what would stop me from bending this pretty little whore over right now and fucking his tight arsehole with my big cock until he bled to death? Stop me from pissing on his corpse and then gutting you for everything that you’ve- ow, fuck!” Darren shouted as Ville grabbed his arm and bit down savagely into his wrist. Snarling, the bully let go of the knife and his captive at the sharp pain and Ville dove desperately for the weapon, jarring his knees as he hit the floor.

“Ville, no!” Bam shouted, hand held out in vain as Ville scrambled to his feet and swung around, bloody teeth bared and eyes wet and crazed, Darren’s knife clutched in his shaking hand. But Ville didn’t see the danger that Bam tried to warn him of until it was too late and he was brutally pistol whipped across the temple as Darren brought a gun out from behind him. The thud that the metal made against Ville’s head caused Bam to cry out, the force making Ville spin slightly and then drop boneless to the floor.

“Ville!” Bam cried out as he practically fell from his bed to beside his lover, gathering a dazed and whimpering Ville up into his arms protectively. There was blood on Ville’s forehead and Bam tenderly wiped it away, holding Ville’s precious head to his chest and then snarling furiously at Darren, glaring without paying any heed to the gun currently pointed at his face.

“Shit, the stupid little faggot, he better not have given me some disease or something,” Darren muttered, putting his injured wrist to his mouth. “Fuck!” Angrily he kicked the knife away, making Bam flinch and clutch Ville to him tighter at the display of rage.

“You,” Darren snarled, jabbing the gun at Bam, “get up, leave the fag whore,” he spat when Bam tried to stand with Ville in his arms. Reluctantly he lay a still confused Ville carefully on the white tiles and stood over him, glaring with murder in his eyes. “Shanks, I’m going to fucking kill you for hurting him, and if you dare touch him I’ll rip you limb from limb with my bare hands,” he threatened, knuckles white from where he was making fists at his side.

Again, Darren just laughed. “I’m the one holding the gun if you didn’t notice, you retard, and I’ll touch your whore all I want,” he licked his lips. “I thought you two had it going on but I couldn’t be sure, but walking in on you fags sucking face… Ha, tell me, is his arse as sweet as it looks?”

“Don’t you fucking-” Bam started but Darren waved the gun playfully in the air. “Uh uh, be nice to the man with the gun, Margera, or I can put a few holes in you and pretty Valo. How would you like that?”

Bam just glared and Darren snickered before his face straightened out, kicking the bedside chair away near the opposite wall. “I’m tired of this, get on the chair,” he gestured with the gun and Bam took a deep breath. When the skater didn’t move Darren snarled, his brown eyes mad, and gestured more violently. “Get on it now, or I’ll just shoot you and rape Valo over your dead corpse. Least I could do, from all the trouble you’ve caused me.”

At the words Bam closed his eyes and swallowed, knowing that he had no choice but to leave Ville vulnerable on the ground. He slowly stepped away, nails digging into his palm as Ville whimpered, still dazed but sensing that Bam was moving away from him.

Slowly, Bam lowered his body into the chair, cursing his weakness from a month of being unconscious. If he was at his full strength he might have been able to throw himself at Darren and wrestle the gun away from him, but like this he had no chance. With helplessness in his eyes he looked at Ville sprawled defenceless on the hospital tiles, eyelashes fluttering and limbs twitching, and apologised with all his being.

After checking that Ville was still struggling to get his bearings with a glance Darren yanked a roll of duct tape out of his pocket and began to wind the strong material around Bam’s body, pinning his arms to his sides and to the chair. With no other choice, Bam swallowed his pride and was reduced to begging.

“Shanks, leave Ville alone. He’s done nothing to you, just let him go, please. I’m the one that did all that shit to you, just deal with me, let Ville go,” he pleaded desperately and then tried to shout before Darren slapped some tape over his mouth, the sound becoming muffled.

One side of Darren’s lips turned up in a mockery of a smile. “That’s much better,” he tapped Bam’s cheek and then smacked him with his fist, grinning as the skater moaned and then glared at him furiously. “Now that you’re quiet, let me tell you something,” he breathed. “Yeah, he’s done nothing to me, but the look on your face when I fuck him right in front of you is going to be marvellous,” he chuckled, licking his lips, “and fucking hell, I’ve dreamed of how good he’s going to feel around my dick when I strangle him.”

Screaming behind his gag Bam tried to throw himself at Darren, but the tape holding him to the chair held him back. Darren laughed and patted him on the head. “Enjoy the show, Margera. I know I will.”

And then he turned around and placed his glinting brown eyes on the body on the floor, smiling viciously when he saw that Ville was conscious again and had propped himself up on his shaky arms, green eyes wide and deer-like and terrified as he looked up at Darren.

Swinging the gun around his finger Darren stepped forward and hummed thoughtfully, pushing Ville back down with his foot. “What to do with you,” he whispered in delight, using his foot to drag Ville’s shirt up his stomach and chest, revealing a length of pristine milk white skin to his greedy eyes. Ville gasped and squeezed his eyes shut, tears dripping down the side of his face and heart beating like a frightened rabbit’s in his chest.

“Don’t,” he whispered hoarsely as the foot trailed down dangerously near between his legs. Darren smiled like a shark. “Try and stop me,” he said.

And then Ville was frantically turning over on his stomach and trying to scramble away, sobbing in terror as a hand grabbed his hair again and hauled him up. “No!” He yelled, “Bam, help, please,” he cried as he was pulled against an unyielding body and manhandled around, his screaming muffled as Darren slammed his mouth to his.

Bam yelled behind his gag as Darren bit into Ville’s mouth, one hand holding Ville still by his hair and the other one groping at his arse. Ville struggled valiantly, feeling like he was going to be sick as Darren’s slimy tongue forced its way into his mouth, but didn’t bite down when he felt cold hard steel jab into his side threateningly.

Breaking the kiss Darren licked his lips and yanked Ville’s head back further to bite viciously at the pale length of Ville’s neck, making the Finn cry out in pain as Darren broke his skin.

“Damn it, be quiet,” Darren snarled, knowing that if things got too loud somebody would hear and call security. He hit Ville around the face again but this time with his fist, holding Ville up as the boy gasped as his eyebrow spilt and more blood joined the mess down the side of his face from the cut at his temple from being pistol whipped. Licking his lips Darren ripped Ville’s shirt from him and then threw him onto the bed.

Even if he was dazed and weak from the hit Ville still tried to crawl away, nails digging into the mattress. He wailed in fear though when Darren just grabbed him by the back of his jeans and dragged him back. In a last ditch attempt he turned over and tried to kick at Darren frantically, but the bigger male just climbed on top of him and easily restrained him.

“Stop, please, Darren, don’t,” Ville pleaded and Darren just jammed fingers in his mouth, making Ville choke and gag around the digits.

“Bite me and you’re dead,” Darren sneered, pinning Ville’s tongue down and abandoning the gun in favour of ripping Ville’s jeans open and sticking his hand down Ville’s boxers. Ville arched and sobbed, hands scrabbling across the sheets as Darren grabbed him between his legs and squeezed.

“Nice,” Darren breathed, rank breath washing over Ville as he fondled his captive. Squirming, Ville tried to push Darren away, saliva dripping down the side of his mouth as he couldn’t swallow with the fingers halfway down his throat, choking. A grin stretched across Darren’s mouth as he yanked his hand out of Ville’s opened pants and captured one of Ville’s, grabbing it and forcing it to feel his hardened crotch.

“Feel this?” Darren panted and thrust his hips forward, “this is all for you, darling.”

At the feel of Darren’s huge erection, twitching and already pulsing with blood even if it was still covered, made Ville almost throw up and try to yank his hand away, squeezing his eyes shut in horror. Laughing, Darren leaned down and licked up the side of Ville’s face. “Aw, I’m flattered. Now let’s give your boyfriend a little show, hm? I bet he’s feeling a bit neglected at the moment.”

At the words he pulled his fingers from Ville’s mouth, hissing a warning that if he screamed he was a goner, and held Ville down by his stomach as he wrestled his jeans and boxers off his long slim legs.

“Damn,” Darren breathed at the sight of Ville fully naked, practically salivating as he ran his dirty hands up Ville’s quivering thighs. “I can see why Margera wanted a piece of you,” he murmured appreciatively and then smiled when he heard Bam struggling behind him, desperately trying to free himself when he saw that Darren had stripped his lover completely. “I can tell I’m going to like this,” he said to himself, looking into Ville’s terrified, bruised and bloodied face, his torn mouth gasping for air. He quickly manoeuvred Ville and himself around so that he was facing Bam, slipping off the bed and yanking Ville up to knees so he was displayed to his lover.

There were tears running down Bam’s face and his blue eyes locked with Ville’s green eyes. They said that he was so, so, so sorry and that he loved Ville with everything he had, and Ville tried to smile weakly back. But his face twisted in pain as Darren sunk his nails into one of his nipples, drawing blood, and he whimpered, struggling. And then Darren was yanking his face around and violating his mouth again with his tongue, tearing at his already bloodied lips and biting at his tongue.

“Watch closely,” Darren gasped as he drew back and grinned at Bam who only stared back in horror at him. The big male forced Ville’s head down and yanked Ville’s delicate hips up, licking his lips at the sight. He pushed his crotch against Ville, thrusting in a mockery of the terrible act he was about to perform, moaning and tipping his head back. “Oh yeah,” he panted.

By now Bam was drawing blood on his arms at how hard he was struggling, the chair rocking on its legs at his wild fighting for freedom, screaming and sobbing behind his gag. Darren smiled at him, baring his teeth, and forced Ville’s legs apart.

“Come on, that’s it, struggle baby,” Darren breathed in pleasure as Ville franticly began to try and close his thighs and get away from him, hand tearing at the hospital sheets and crying in terror as he was almost suffocated in the mattress. Darren easily yanked his head up by his hair and shook him a little before he could pass out, bending over him and breathing into his ear, licking at the lobe as Ville gasped desperately for air.

“Look Margera in the eyes, come on, let him see your face when I fuck you,” he murmured, fingering Ville’s red mouth and dipping his fingers in between his lips. Ville cried around them but locked eyes with Bam’s again, heart falling to pieces at Bam’s wretched expression.

“Good little whore,” Darren smiled and then stood up, still holding Ville’s head up by his hair, whacking Ville’s upturned arse and making Ville whimper. “And now the show really starts,” he murmured and trailed his fingers down Ville’s back and down in between his thighs.

Bam screamed behind his gag as Ville’s mouth dropped open and his expression twisted in pure pain, back arching and tears trailing down his cheeks as Darren ripped two fingers into him. But no sound emerged from him except a small, frail, choked off whine that almost killed Bam where he sat.

“Fuck, you’re tight,” Darren grunted and wriggled his fingers around, sweat beginning to bead on his brow. Ville mewled in pain, screaming silently as Darren forced another finger inside him. He felt himself tear and he convulsed with pain, limbs twitching, hands scrabbling for purchase amongst the hospital bed’s blankets and freezing for a second as they encountered something hard and metallic. Darren’s abandoned gun.

Panting, Darren thrust his fingers in and out of Ville, watching with greedy brown eyes as they disappeared into Ville’s quivering body, smeared with blood. “Thought you’d be all loose from Margera drilling you, but I guess not. Maybe I’ve been missing out, not fucking fags.” Darren leered and pulled his fingers out, licking at them and moaning at the taste. Not being able to wait another second he let go of Ville, who’d gone silent at the violation and had collapsed, and reached down to undo his belt, groping at his own pulsing erection.

And then Darren was shouting in agony as Ville flipped over and shot him, blood exploding at his shoulder.

The loud bang of the gun going off echoed in the room and Bam froze in his bindings as Darren dropped to the floor behind the bed, writhing in agony and moaning. Ville was shaking as he stared wide eyed at the gun and he dropped it like it burned, tears spilling over. And then he was throwing himself off the bed and stumbling over to Bam, sobbing in relief and knees buckling.

Ville ripped the gag off Bam’s mouth and then tore at the tape wound around his body desperately, managing to get half of it off before starting to collapse. Bam yanked himself out of the rest of it and grabbed at Ville before he could hit the floor. “Ville, Ville, fuck, thank god, Ville, Ville,” he sobbed, hugging the shocked silent Finn to him desperately, kissing his face over and over again as Ville began to hyperventilate, gripping at him like a lifeline.

“Ville, Ville, shit, I’m here, fuck, it’s over, it’s okay, I love you, I’ve got you Ville, god, my Ville,” Bam whispered, his heart feeling like it was being torn from his chest at Ville’s unrestrained and terrified sounds. He pulled Ville even closer to him, wanting to keep Ville safe and protected so nobody would ever touch him again, sinking to the floor as they couldn’t support themselves. He tugged a blanket off the bed though and wrapped in around Ville’s naked and quivering body, yanking him into his lap and running his hands over Ville to make sure he was whole and alive, eyes widening in horror as he came across blood on Ville’s buttocks.

Suddenly the door banged open and security spilled in, drawn from the sound of the gunshot. Ville jumped at the noise and burrowed into Bam, burying his face into his chest and sobbing, nails digging into his skin. Bam didn’t even wince, just whispered to him lovingly, stroking his back and hair and kissing him as the men took one look at Darren bleeding on the floor and Ville naked and bruised and bloody and crying in Bam’s arms before chaos broke out.


It only took half an hour after and a resulting phone call for April to come storming into the hospital with Phil and Anette hot on her heels and furiously demand to see her son. The receptionist took one look at her thunderous face and piercing blue eyes and hastily showed them up.

“What the hell is going on in here!?” April shouted as she stalked into the hospital room, taking in the sight with wide eyes. There was a pool of blood and torn clothes on the floor and people crowded around the bed in the middle, making it impossible for her to see. Forcing her way through the noisy mess she made a noise of pure outrage.

Bam was snarling and fighting off a barrage of nurses and doctors and security guards with his bare fists, his eyes like fire as he shouted furiously. “What have you done with him!? Give him back to me! Give Ville back, Ville, VILLE!”

“EVERYBODY, STOP!” April bellowed.

The entire room froze instantly, expect Bam who threw off the hands still on him and tried to scramble out of bed. “Ape, mum, fuck, they took Ville, he needs me, Ape, please, I need to see him,” he spoke, tripping over his words as he fell into April’s arms, and then yelped as she drew him into a ferocious hug and squeezed him tight.

“I’m so damn happy that you’re awake, Bam,” she whispered, squeezing him, and then let Phil hug him. Even Anette pulled him into a quick embrace, smiling at his confused face.

“Um,” Bam said awkwardly, cutting the reunion short, “that’s nice and all, but Ville-”

“Yeah,” April said and wiped her eyes. And then she was the terrifying mother bear again, glaring down the rest of the room with fierce blue eyes, who shrunk away from her all-seeing gaze. Bam could’ve sworn that one of the muscle-bound, six-foot and shaven bold security guards actually whimpered.

“Take us to my son’s boyfriend, or so god help me somebody in this useless fuck up of a hospital is going to be very, very sorry,” she threatened.

One of the ballsier and smarter nurses stepped forward, clearing her throat and brushing her uniform down as she smiled sheepishly. “This way, ma’am,” she directed, stepping out the door.

“Thank you,” April drawled and pinned the rest of the people with one last disapproving look before she swept out after the nurse, helping Bam along as she went, Phil at his other side.

“What happened?” April asked, “All I got was a call that that Shanks boy had been shot and arrested, thank god, but in the hospital?! Almost gave me and Phil a heart attack! Are you all right?”

“She almost gave me a heart attack driving here,” Phil muttered and Anette laughed softly from behind them. April just ignored them.

Bam nodded. “I’m fine; it’s Ville that’s hurt. Fuck, Ape, Shanks had a gun and he got in somehow but Ville got hold of it and shot him and fuck he tried to- to rape Ville,” he spat, face a storm but blue eyes worried and a little frantic. His knuckles were white where his hands gripped April’s waist. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, I should’ve said something before even if Ville asked me not to. God, I’m a fucking idiot!

“What?” April exclaimed in dismay at the same time as Phil. Anette stumbled, face going pale. She understood enough English to know what had almost happened to Ville and she felt tears well up in her eyes, her heart falling into her feet. Oh, her poor Ville. He was such a sweet, empathic boy… To have that happen to him after all this, it seemed like life wouldn’t give him a break.

“Is he-” April stuttered and Bam shook his head. “I don’t know,” he whispered, and both Phil and April had nothing they could say.

“Here we are,” the nurse said and opened a door, gasping as a body only wrapped in a sheet awkwardly threw itself past her and collided into Bam, almost knocking him to the floor if it weren’t for Phil.

“Ville!” Bam yelped in relief and held his lover’s quivering body to his own protectively, glaring at the nurses who burst out after Ville and tried to take him away from Bam again. ‘Bam,’ Ville’s frightened green eyes said as he clutched urgently to Bam, ‘Bammie, I’m scared and I’m hurt and I don’t know what to do please don’t let me go again, please, please, please.’

“I won’t, don’t worry Willa,” Bam promised and kissed him tenderly, aware of his lover’s torn lips and bruised face. Ville kissed him carefully back with a sigh, melting into him from relief that Bam still wanted to kiss him even after what Darren had done to him.

“That boy is a devil! He attacked me!” One of the nurses complained, dabbing at her wounded cheek where Ville had scratched her trying to get away, the doctor holding a sore arm that Ville had wrenched. “Couldn’t even get a sedative into him, he was so wild!”

Bam smiled into Ville’s hair, “good Willa,” he praised and Ville smiled weakly into his neck.

“Can’t you see the boy is terrified?!” April scolded them, “you should be ashamed! He was almost raped and you take him away from his boyfriend who only wants to comfort him! What kind of hospital is this?” The nurse had the gall to look offended, but the doctor at least looked a little ashamed of his actions.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but it’s only procedure,” he tried but April only scoffed and began to start in on him again, only for Phil to cut her off.

“Ape,” he said, placing a hand on her shoulder, and looked meaningfully at the two boys clinging to each other in the hallway. Ville, who had flinched at her saying rape, was still bruised and bloody and only covered in a blanket and almost dead on his feet as he wilted in Bam’s arms, while Bam looked almost as haggard as him and was only dressed in a skimpy hospital gown.

“Oh,” April blinked, her eyes soft, “yeah, good point.” She turned and pointed at the nurse that had lead them here. “You, patch Ville and Bam up, because I’m sure as hell not letting anybody else here touch my babies. And then I’m taking both of them home, no arguments,” she directed.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Hear that, Ville?” Bam whispered, kissing Ville’s cute elfin-like ear tenderly. “No more doctors or nurses. We can go home and be together and nobody will try to hurt you ever again, I promise.”

Ville’s lips turned up softly at the sides.


They were almost at the Margera household just as the sun was coming over the horizon, Ville patched up and safe and warm curled up in Bam’s arms, both of the boys dressed in hospital scrubs. Phil was driving while April quietly fretted in the front seat, Anette just watching Ville and Bam from beside them in the back. Already Ville seemed happier, more relaxed, and Anette could tell that he loved Bam dearly, and Bam certainly loved him back just as much. They looked gorgeous together, but Anette still worried.

She’d already seen the way that Ville flinched if people got to close, even with her, and the way that he had trouble meeting people’s eyes. The only person he really seemed comfortable around was Bam, and while Anette knew that his nerves were frazzled from his ordeal and to expect him to be normal after all that wasn’t realistic, she was concerned about how the almost-rape would affect him in the long run. She knew he was a strong boy, the month in Finland he had spent had proven it to her, but rape was something serious. Also with the added stress of being in the same country as his mother and from actually shooting somebody Anette wasn’t sure that Ville would come out on top.

Muttering sleepily, Ville shifted beside her, almost practically in Bam’s lap. He nuzzled Bam’s neck and Bam smiled softly in response, tenderly stroking Ville’s hip and whispering something to him. Anette felt her heart lift a little at the sight. Ville had a wonderful boyfriend who clearly loved him with all his heart and she then knew that if her support was not enough Bam’s would definitely be what he needed to recover.

The truck pulled into the driveway and everybody got out, Phil helping Bam and Ville while April unlocked the house and flipped the lights on.

“If you two can’t make it up the stairs to Bam’s room I can make up the other spare room,” April gave Ville and Bam the option, not even questioning that the two would spend the night together. They definitely needed it, in her opinion.

Ville, basically asleep and sagging in Bam’s embrace, didn’t even hear her, he was so tired. Bam considered it for a moment, but shook his head. Ville would want to wake up somewhere he knew was safe. “We’ll make it up,” he decided, and they did, with some help by Anette and Phil while April went up ahead to make sure everything was in order. She’d tidied up Bam’s room as best as she could after his little tantrum in it, but she still wanted to make sure everything was perfect for her son and his boyfriend.

“Stop fretting, Ape, everything is fine,” Phil whispered to her as Bam somehow manoeuvred himself and a limping Ville into bed while never letting go of the listless Finn.

“I know, it’s just…” April sighed and Phil just kissed her on the cheek. “You’re a great mum, but you’ve got to let them sleep, they’ve been through a lot today,” he said and drew her slowly out of the room by her arm. “They’ll be fine without you for a few hours.”

Watching April and Phil go back down the stairs, Anette smiled and turned back to see that Ville and Bam were already asleep, curled up in the tightest ball two bodies could make, Ville’s head tucked securely under Bam’s chin and battered face hidden from sight.

“Hyvää yötä, kulta pojat,” she whispered, blew them a kiss and turned out the light.


When Bam woke, it was to a softly quiet, comfortable and familiar warmth that he hadn’t been conscious to miss before. Now he felt like a piece of him had been returned and he was whole again.

Smiling, he curled his arms tighter around the slender body beside him and pulled it closer with his eyes still closed, humming contently and letting a small sigh fall from his lips. His legs were firmly intertwined with another’s under the covers and Bam felt them twitch as the body stirred, the fingers on his chest, clinging to his shirt, tightening and loosening.

“Hey, Ville,” Bam whispered, his voice slightly hoarse.

A small noise was all Bam got in reply and he lethargically blinked his eyes open in the dim light, blood freezing for a moment in his veins as he took in the sight of only one beautiful green eye gazing at him, the other one swollen shut and lividly colourful, a butterfly bandage over a split eyebrow from where Darren’s knuckles had spilt open the flesh, another over his temple from being pistol whipped. A normally perfectly high cheekbone was swollen and discoloured also and Ville’s lips were slightly puffy and torn but beginning to heal already. Bam knew that the damage would fade, but it still killed him to see his lover in such a state.

But Bam didn’t let the soft smile drop from his face and he moved forward across the pillow they shared, placing a careful kiss first on Ville’s eyebrow, his cheekbone and then the corner of his lips, lingering over each injury as if his wish for them to give Ville no pain anymore would take effect. When he drew back Ville wasn’t smiling, but his visible eye was no longer so lifeless and the green not so murky.

Bam stroked a gentle thumb over Ville’s neck, ignoring the burst of protective anger blossoming in his gut at the vivid bite mark and small cut marring the milky white flesh. “How’re you feeling?”

Ville looked away from him and shrugged carefully.

Bam’s expression fell and he kept up the calming stroking, his other arm that was partially in a cast secure around Ville’s fragile waist. “Okay,” he said softly, not wanting to push. It hurt a bit, but at the moment Ville’s feelings were more important than his. “Just, you know I’ll always be here for you, Willa. Always. Nothing is gonna change that, I promise. Just like how I feel about you. I love you, okay, Ville, I love you with everything I have,” Bam whispered sincerely, feeling his heart ache. “So please, just give me a little smile?”

Ville looked down and back up at him, bit his lip before wincing as he stared into Bam’s earnest blue eyes. The skater waited patiently, he’d wait for ever if need be, and weakly, tentatively, Ville gave him a small, sweet smile, his green eyes wet.

Bam practically beamed back and tried to draw Ville into an equally sweet kiss, but Ville reared back, stark panic and then confusion and then apology in his eyes. “Hey, it’s okay,” Bam soothed, even if Ville pulling away from him hurt like a stake to the heart. But Ville shook his head, made a quiet choked sound and began to cry.

“No, Ville, no,” Bam gasped and caught Ville’s hands in his before the other boy could cover his face with them, pressing kisses to the quivering knuckles. “Baby, shh, it’s all right,” he soothed, feeling his own tears well up as his lover sobbed soundlessly and ripped his hands out of Bam’s hold, hitting them against Bam’s chest when the other boy tried to restrain them again.

Ville was angry, Bam suddenly realised as the Finn turned his face away and sniffed, so angry and feeling helpless and ugly and violated and hurt, that it was all muddled up inside of him and was probably confusing him too that he lashed out. And Ville was completely entitled to feel that way.

Trying to get away, Ville suddenly sat up and then let out a strangled cry, falling back into the bed with a hand to his lower back and his face twisted in pain, his sobs now coming violently. He slammed his fist down on the mattress beside him but turned into Bam’s embrace when Bam carefully drew him into his arms, shushing him as Ville cried out everything he had kept inside since the hospital.

“We’ll get through this, Ville,” Bam whispered and kissed his forehead. Ville only sniffed and buried his head in Bam’s chest, body shaking in the aftermath of his sobs, and that was the moment that Bam realised with a sinking heart that Ville hadn’t said a word the entire time.


A/N: Well, um, long time no see guys. Er, I really have no excuse as to why this is late, and I really am sincerly sorry, but at least late is better than never, right? *whimpers* Hopefully I still have some readers... :/

Good news is though is that I've almost finished writing the entire fic, so no more waiting for weeks on end. Next update will be in about a week and a half or two, depends on when I have time, but it will come, don't worry. :3

Comments are <3! And tell me that somebody is still reading. :O

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in your arms, vam

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