Sep 15, 2005 22:10
Ten years ago:
I was in sixth grade, which means I was at Tutt Middle School suffering under the teachings of my old homeroom teacher, my evil math teacher, and my not-so-bad English teacher. This is when I started to learn that adults could, in fact, be quite unintelligent. This is also when I met many of the people that I remember most from my time in the public school system, particularly the Gray twins.
Five years ago:
I was a senior in high school enjoying a Vice-presidency in the Science Club and a position as one of the editors on the yearbook staff (heh - there was so much drama because of the evil duo). hmmm...this was actually my most enjoyable year in high school.
One year ago:
I was a senior at UGA. I finally had a car and I was finally living off-campus at the CCF house. Like high school, my senior year was my most enjoyable. I met and grew closer to many friends that I hope to keep for the rest of my life.
I had my first physiology test in Graduate School. Surprisingly, it was easier than my undergrad physiology class. Hopefully, it'll stay that way. Had a meeting with my group's Research advisor. He can't pronounce my name correctly and thus calls me "ee-thur". Watched Sin City and saw Sam for the first time in over four years.
Five snacks I enjoy:
Gala Apples
fruit snacks
Diet Coke (I think I'm addicted)
Five Songs I Know All the Words To
For Once in My Life - Stevie Wonder
Angel - Aerosmith (pretty much any Aerosmith song)
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
Hotel California - Eagles
Somebody Told Me - The Killers
Five things I would do with a million dollars:
Pay off school loans
Buy the Fish and Game club
Spread the wealth to family/friends
Start up my own PT clinic
Five places I would like to run away to:
Our lake place
New Zealand
anywhere with the one I love (should I ever find this person)
Five things I would never wear:
I really don't care enough to have answers to this
Five favorite TV shows:
Law & Order: SVU
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Five bad habits:
Focusing on things I shouldn't
Worrying too much
Snacking when I'm studying
Five biggest joys:
Being with friends
Driving at night with the music blasting and singing (obnoxiously loud)
Time reading what I choose to read (non-school related)
Sleeping in the middle of the afternoon
A good hug
Five favorite Toys:
Paul's new flat screen TV w/ TiVo
My camera
My laptop
Sphygmomanometer (just because it's a fun word, I own one, and I ran out of responses)
Five fictional characters I would date:
Ron Weasley
Fitzwilliam Darcy
Turkish (from the movie Snatch)
Connor Mcmanus (the aequitas brother from Boondock Saints)