
Jun 25, 2006 21:13

Overall the weekend was good. I was seriously disappointed that I didn't get to see Modern Skirts perform Friday night at Athfest, but hopefully I can catch them sometime soon. Highlights of the weekend included: seeing friends, laughing with Beth, the wedding shower, kind of dinner at The Grit with Mary, Brian and some of Mary's friends who were quite interesting and amusing, movie watching (The Hebrew Hammer - on my god it was teh funny) and napping away Sunday afternoon on Paul's couch.

So yes, I'm two weeks into my first clinical rotation for school. I don't have the tremendous load of schoolwork and studying every day while balancing a little-more-than-a-part-time-job job. As such, I have been re-introduced to the concept of spare time. I'm choosing to utilize this time by catching up on a few books that I've been trying to read for quite some time now. The current one is "Autobiography of a Modern Prophet." It's the autobiography of Harold Klemp, the current leader of Eckankar. I'm trying to learn more about it since my cousin is marrying into a family that has this belief system. I present to you, the minimal number of readers, a few excerpts from this book.

"In The Spiritual Notebook, Pal Twitchell (he was the previous ECK master, mentor to Harold Klemp) identifies the buzzing of bees as one of the sounds of the ECK, or Divine Spirit, on a certain inner plane. The bedsheets had spilled out onto the floor with my tumble, and I now bent down to scoop them up. But hidden beneath the sheets lay the first clue that I was out of the body. A pulsing, luminous cord resembling a plastic garden hose caught my eye. Its bluish-white glow brightened the dimly lit room. The shining cord came from somewhere in the back of my head and trailed along the floor into the bed. Scanning the length of the luminescent cord from end to end, I was perplexed to see someone sleeping in my bed. Angrily, I leaned over to inspect the intruder. I was about to shake him by the shoulder when I realized with a start that the man asleep in bed was me! That was my physical body! Then I knew that the physical body slept while I observed from the vantage point of Soul that had now clothed Itself in the astral form. This enlightenment amused me as I curiously studied the rumpled, sleeping body"

"Through the secret doctrines of ECK, a student of Eckankar can be rid of the yoke of karma that makes him a prisoner of himself; his desires will quit him in a natural way, through detachment. Philosophy and symbology merit little, for they are of no value without the Sound and Light of ECK, the only enduring things of God. When he finally receives the Crown of Life, the reward for all his past endeavors is self-determination of the highest order. This is God-Realization. In my early days as a student of Eckankar, I often visited the Temples of Golden Wisdom, including the one on Venus. This temple is called the House of Moksha, which means "house of liberation." It is invisible to human eyes because its vibrations are at the peak of the spectrum of physical matter. The ECK Master in charge there is Rami Nuri, who is aided by other ECK Masters in teaching the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, the ECK holy book. Paul also took me to other Temples of Golden Wisdom, such as the temple of Askleposis in the city of Sahasra-dal-Kanwal, on the Astral Plane; the Sakapori wisdom temple in the city of Honu, on the Causal Plane; the Namayatan temple in Mer Kailash, on the Mental Plane; and the temple of Dayaka in the city of Arhirit, on the Etheric Plane. These are some of the main temples; there are also hundreds of branch temples of all sizes on every plane of God. Of interest in the Mental Plane is one unusual country with rich blue soil, just as earth has yellow sand or red clay. The blue soil is used in road construction, and so the highways there are a striking blue."
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