Here is Bug Man and his big brother, Everett, hamming it up for the camera. When Carter wears this particular red shirt with bugs on it, he calls himself Bug Man -- all day long. The red shorts are a must to the outfit, in his mind. Too funny.
Tonight I had a salad with 3 different kinds of lettuces from our garden. Yum! Gotta eat it all to make room for the summer veggies. We've got tiny sprouts of green beens, okra, tomatos, 2 year old asparagus plants, watermellon and cucumber, and lots of other things that I'm not sure what they are. Fun fun fun!
Bosco got his teeth cleaned today. They had to remove 2 of his teeth that were rotting. Ugh. Poor guy. He is still groggy from the anesthesia. I'm looking forward to seeing him perky again tomorrow. He's 15.5 years old now.
Does anyone know of a good online defensive driving course? I need to be able to stop and start it when I need to, so I can take care of my kids.