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§ Support the artists if you like them by purchasing the CD from
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CD Japan.
§ If the links don't work, try again later.
§ The music genres might not always be correct. I'm not perfect <3
§ Songs will be removed February 12, 2005 or after 25 downloads, whichever comes first.
*Very small update, yes I know. Sorry but I haven't had much time this weekend with school work and trying to get
Generation back up as a mp3 rotation site directory taking up quite a bit of time. Take a look and let me know what you think? I might make another mini update in the middle of the week to make up for this one ^^
Can you feel the POWER OF WORDS? (DJ ME - YA'S ESSENCE OF WORDS)Artist: Rina Aiuchi
Album: Sincerely Yours
Language: Japanese
File Size: 5.63 MB
Type: Pop
Rating: A-
Comments: The more I listen to Rina Aiuchi's voice, the more I like it. She has a rather relaxing voice to listen to and it really shows in this song. Can You Feel The Power Of Words is a moderatly tempoed song. I just love the chorus :3
White DestinyArtist: Yoko Ishida
Anime: Pretear
Language: Japanese
File Size: 3.60 MB
Type: Pop
Rating: A
Comments: I remembered the first time I heard this song when I watched Pretear. I was just amazed by how beautiful it is. Yoko Ishida is also the VA for the main character of the anime, Himeno. Anyhow, the song is quite catchy...something you would want to listen to over and over again.
Yuki no HanaArtist: Mika Nakashima
Language: Japanese
File Size: 7.76 MB
Type: Ballad
Rating: A-
Comments: I'll never get used to Mika Nakashima's voice. It just seems a bit weird to me but it's still very pretty. Yuki no Hana is a very slow, moving but beautiful ballad. It's just one of those songs that makes a great song to slow dance to ^^
Sorry for the very bland comments...I'm very out of it today. Now back to that Literature paper of mine...=P