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Title: A Love Story In Tokyo
Artist: 12 Girls Band
Album: Miracle
Language: N/A
File Size: 6.91 MB
Type: Instrumental
Rating: A+
Comments: 12 Girls Band is a rather unique band consisting of 12 Girls but instead of the usual singing or typical music, they use traditional Chinese instruments for their music. All of their music are instrumentals but they are just amazing. If you've never heard traditional Chinese instruments before, you're really missing out. While they do use traditional instruments for their songs, their music still has a very up-to-date sound. A Love Story In Tokyo is one of my favorites by the band. I like it almost as much as Clocks if not more. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
DOWNLOAD YOUSENDIT Title: The Lights of Seoul
Artist: BoA
Atlantis PrincessLanguage: English
File Size: 6.06 MB
Type: Pop
Rating: A-
Comments: While I'm not too fond of BoA's Engrish, I don't mind it so much in this song. In fact, I don't even notice it as much as some of her other songs. I personally think that this is one of BoA's better songs but it does have some of her old pop essence in it. The song itself is kind of festive, perfect for a concert.
Artist: Jang Nara
Album: Unknown
Language: Korean
File Size: 5.26 MB
Type: Pop
Rating: A
Comments: This is a really nice song and I love Jang Nara's voice although at times it seems a bit too sweet. Sweet Dream is one of those songs that you'll end up listening to over and over again. It's not overly popish, alittle bit slow in fact, but still fairly upbeat.
DOWNLOAD YOUSENDIT Title: Tokeidai no Kane
Artist: Tsukiko Amano
Meg & LionLanguage: Japanese
File Size: 9.80 MB
Type: Pop/Rock
Rating: A
Comments: Tsukiko Amano is probably most known doing songs for the game Fatal Frame. While her style does tend to remain on the rock side, this one isn't so rock heavy but there's definitely a nice rock in there. I know that there are quite a few people who aren't really into rock but the other aspects of this song really make up for it, you'll barely even know it's a rock song.
Artist: Every Little Thing
Every Best Single 2Language: Japanese
File Size: 12.5 MB
Type: Pop
Rating: A-
Comments: I haven't listened to this song in so long, actually I almost forgot that I had it. The only problem with having so many songs is that you tend to forget some of the older ones you have. Now that I listen to this song again, it's easy to see why I liked it so much. It's technically your general pop song but ELT really has a way with music.
Artist: TWO-MIX
Album: Unknown
Language: Japanese
File Size: 5.68 MB
Type: Pop/Techno
Rating: A
Comments: TWO-MIX did a lot of the theme songs for the anime Gundam Wing and really, all of their songs have the same techno style with random english phrases here and there. Minami, the vocalist, has a really suiting voice for this kind of music. I downloaded Endless Love back when I was on a TWO-MIX kick. It has a really great and catchy melody and the beginning and ending instrumentals really add a nice touch to the overall effect of the song.
DOWNLOAD YOUSENDIT Title: Circle of Life
Artist: Lion King
Album: Unknown
Language: Japanese
File Size: 3.64 MB
Type: Pop
Rating: A-
Comments: I'm sure everyone has seen the Lion King or at least familiar with it and it's songs. I've never actually seen the Japanese version of the movie but from the songs, the vocals are a bit um...interesting. Circle of Life is the opening and main song of the movie. The Japanese version isn't that much different although the singer's voice seems a bit scratchy or weak or something along that line. I can't quite think of the right word.
DOWNLOAD YOUSENDIT Title: Dang Ni Shi Peng You (You As A Friend)
Artist: Vanness Wu & Ken Chu
Fantasy 4 EverLanguage: Chinese (Mandarin)
File Size: 3.38 MB
Type: Pop
Rating: A+
Comments: Vanness Wu and Ken Chu are both members of the already split yet still famous boy group F4. Out of the 4 members, Vanness and Ken have the most interesting styles in music rather than the usual pop or ballad songs that Vic and Jerry do. So, put them together and you get a really fun song. I was kind of surprised when the song had a really tropical melody at the beginning, like those kind of melodies you imagine hearing in Hawaii with the little coconut cups. The song overall is just basically a really fun song. This is so easy to leave on repeat and you won't tire of it easily.
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I used to get twice as many comments...what happened? o_O;