oh snap. i totally forgot to add the fact that i got a FREE ONE YEAR MEMBERSHIP TO BALLY'S today, just coz i let some lady put up some cardboard contest thing on the counter for bally's. if they don't have some form of yoga/tai chi/pilates/kickboxing/martial arts/clean swimming pool, i'm not even going back. but fucking rock. everyone else at my work paid hundreds of bucks for their stupid gold's gym membership and i'm getting a free one in two weeks. TO BALLYS. that makes me automatically cooler than the rest of you.
KRISTIN: www.westpointfamilyacademy.com! even tho it really sucks and there's no information on there, i just remembered that and had to write that down before i forgot for the 57th time.
i'm reading the matrix: reloaded script. :x
you should all check out the new
beta version of livejournal. it held my interest for a good minute!
i just spent forever deleting half of my mp3s, and i still don't have a gig of space free on my computer. i'm defragging tonight, and tomorrow i'm going to delete as much crap as i can without crying from the loss.
now that i've gotten another chance to play with this semagic crap, the end.
p.s. was i right or what. exactly 801 emails that needed to download. in five days.