Double Horse Shows across the sky. So intense.

Feb 21, 2011 20:24

I haven't brought it up yet on THIS particular journal yet but I ride horses.  I am not super wonderful good, but I walk, trot, canter and some smaller jumps 2', 2'3" etc.  I ride for the UMBC Equestrian team in IHSA shows.  You get points for what ribbons your get, and you move up a level when you hit a certain number of points.  I only have two shows left before graduation :(

*note: I dont own a horse or anything and I attempt to not be a stereotypical snob-bitch rider or anything, but if I see people letting their horses eat with the bridal on I consider them trashy individuals.  JUST a little fyi for you.  Deal.

We had two shows in a row in VA this weekend.  The barn/arena was beautiful. I FORGOT MY DAMN CAMERA DAMMIT DAMMIT SO STUPID. Chloe was there again, I want to buy that horse ♥ (can people see the fucking heart or their journal? or does it come in as code...)  Our newest team member is a serious in your face pain in the ass.  I cant STAND when people brag.  It is totally TOTALLY fine to be wonderful at something, to be the best.  But just shut the fuck up about it.  I mentioned that I liked to braid Checkers' (pony I show during the summer) and she was like OH I HAVE BEEN BRAIDING PROFESSIONALLY FOREVER AND GROOMING PROFESSIONALLY AND BLAH BLAH BLAH...she legit thought I would pay her 20 bucks to braid since "other" people 80 or some such faggorty. gurlfriend. Just no.   She was maybe just nervous and god I probably sound like a bitch, but just GET OUT OF MY FACE WITH YOUR LIFE.  Jesus.  Ands she is a pony clubber, so that is explained basically.

Maura: (to Drew) At least I have someone who appreciates dressage around
Drew: ....I hate dressage.
Rest of the car: LOL

She annoyed Sherri SO much that Sherri made up a rule about team members not being able to room with coaches so we got her her own room so we wouldnt have to deal with her shit.  She even CALLED HER TRAINER to confirm striding after Sherri had already worked it out with her.

Regardless I got to ride a pony named Merlin (you literally pick the horse you will ride from a hat and you have never been on them until this moment) and he was wonderful!! I got second place and pointed into Novice which means I can jump at the next show. woooo.  We all did OK that day and then went out to dinner, Kelly joined and we shared a DELICIOUS MUDSLIDE OMG it was fucking stellar.

I drew a bitch little mare the next day and we broke to a walk by accident IN FRONT OF THE JUDGE...but I guess the entire class made worse mistakes because I got third out of seven booyah.  While we were waiting to go the girls all played a game about what would be the best "Karen situation."

Emily: Paula on a unicorn...RIDING TO MEET SCULLY
Maura: and scully is on a school bus!
Kelly: And its full of posters!
Sherri: What the hell are you guys talking about?

Best people of my life no?  I have the entire world so well trained to my insanity.  Then today was the POSTER SALE...woke up feeling like shit for my 8:00 class and suprise suprise my monthly "friend" is to blame but I DID dress like Cuddy as always.   Now to eat something, watch the episode and then sketch for my class tomorrow and watch the Nanny. 

friends, rl - riding, rl - school

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