Jul 20, 2010 12:10
Another day in paradise, but this time it is without my g/f.
As you may know, I have moved into a two bedroom apartment with my g/f. Well she went to Lilith Fair with one of her friends in Cincinnati. So I am home alone pretty much the rest of the day.
I never really thought about how much words can effect people until I say them.
For instance, there was one or two nights that Anne made dinner for me. I said something along the lines of the meals were too heavy and that she did not need to make them for me. I am not sure if she took this the wrong way. I was merely trying to say I usually have a snack when I get home, and that is it.
Anyways, I know I can be a jerk sometimes. At work it really shows. A LOT! I snapped at Nathan. At work yesterday, people were screwing around with my desktop every time I left my station. So I waited until they left, and messed with theirs. Then Nathan told the supervisor AND the assistant supervisor, complaining that I killed his desktop. I was really annoyed by this. He was the one that screwed with my desktop first, and I figured he would realize not to mess with mine, but apparently the street doesn't go two ways. I pretty much was mad at him the whole evening. Matt messed with my desktop also, but he never said anything, he knew how to fix anything I did.
I do feel bad somewhat, but not entirely. I can't entrust Nathan with anything that is secretive, and I am not able to screw with his computer anymore. I won't touch it. Apparently, though, he can still mess with mine.
I am slowly beginning to lose my memory. Nathan made a joke about early Alzheimer's. I think it is just due to stress. Stress can effect your body differently. For me, it seems to be my memory. I do not feel stressed, but I bet I am.
My body has been aching. My top left portion of my back is sore. Anne has been trying to tell me to go see a doctor about it. But really a doctor can't do too much about a sore back. I also think I rolled my ankle and it is sore too. She wants me to get my moles checked out, she is worried about a couple. I am a mess it seems.
Anyways, I love the new apartment, and I think Anne and I are getting along okay. I know I have snapped at her once or twice, but that is because I am still trying to close up things at my old place. Once that is done, no more stress, and just pay the bills and be done :-)