
Aug 14, 2004 23:45

101 Things About Me!

01. Time you started: 11:45 pm
02. Full Name: angela Marie Annie Morales
03. Nicknames: angie, angy, ang
04. Height : 5'9
05. Weight : ...
06. Thongs or Panties : depends on what i wear
07. Boxers or Briefs: boxers
08. Sex: Female
09. Birthday: November 25, 1985
10. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
11. Location: Olney, MD and Baltimore, MD during the school year
12. Birth Place: Vicenza, Italy
13. Hair Color: dark brown with red highlights
14. Eye Color: hazel
15. Siblings: younger brother (14)

*The CRUSH Side*
16. Are you in love?: yes
17. Are you more interested in guys or girls be honest: guys!
18. What's your biggest turn on about the opposite sex?: arms
19. Crush: i dont even know the answer to this
20. Girlfriend/Boyfriend?: see above

**The PAST Side**
21. What age would you go back? : age like...3.
22. Memory you miss most: feeling loved
23. Memory you would like to forget: i dont know
24. What'd you do yesterday: slept, and worked
25. Last person you talked to on the phone: Mel
26. Last thing you said: well thats good
27. Last song you listened to: led zeppelin-thank you

28. Food: cheese
29. Drink: orangina
30. CD: any everclear album
31. Emotion: loved
32.Color: red
33.Fav day of the week: friday
34. Month: november
35.Favorite #: 2
36. Holiday: my birthday. cuz in my world it is a holiday
37.Cookie: oreos
39.Ice Cream: Cookie Dough
40. Candy bar: Twix
41.Favorite channel: vh1
42.Shampoo/Conditioner: pantene pro-v color revival 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner 43.Favorite Song: unemployed boyfriend-everclear

44.Gurl Friends: a bunch
45.guy friends: a bunch
46:loudest: mel
47:Silliest: neena
48:Dorkiest: neena
49.Best at keeping secrets: christine
50.Smartest: mark
51.Most likely to become a stripper: neena
52.Sweetest: i dont have sweet friends
53.Weirdest: me
54.Most hyper: depends on their moods
55.Most annoying: ha.

56.Do you believe in Angels: yeah
57.Aliens: No
58.Heaven & Hell: Yes
59.God: Yes
60.Yourself: no

**The HAVE YOU EVER Side**
61.Been on a plane: Yes
62.Cried in public: Yes
63.Climbed a tree: Attempted
64. Ate A Worm: no
65.Kissed a guy/girl: guys
66.Met a celebrity: No
67.Met the president: No
68. Been scared to get shot: uh huh
69. Watched New Year's Eve celebrations in every time zone in one day?: yes. i have no life.
70.Shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch?: hell no. the only time i've ever set foot in that store was when they had live models standing in the front door.
71.Gone skinny dipping: no
72. Skipped school: Yes

73.Bill Clinton: saxophone
74.Lollipops: blowpops
75. Dreams: fire
76. Love: misery
77. Whipped Cream: on strawberries
78.South Park: i dont know
79.Britney Spears: i like that everytime song
80. Guys: complicated in their simplicity
81. Girls: bitches
82. Death: sounds becoming

83. Dog/Cat: cat
84. Blue/Purple: blue
85. Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla
86. Pen/Pencil: Pen

87. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? yes always i cant sleep without my petit namour
88: When is the last time you showered: last night
89. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: black
90. How many buddies do you have on your buddy list: 200
91. Do you like this survey: sure
92. One pillow or two, cotton or feather??: one pillow and cotton
94. How long are you in the shower: 15 min if needed, 30 if shorts season,
95. How do you eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup: i just eat it
96.What does your name mean?: angel, messenger of god
98. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie pop: i dont count 99. What occurs once in a second, twice in one hour, and never in threehundred
years? "O"
100. Of all the people you sent this to, how many would mostlikely
respond: i dont know whoever has no life like me
101. Finished: 12:27
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