Title: These small hours (1/1)
Author: Thyboz
Characters: Michael, Lincoln, mentions of Sara and LJ
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: as they made sure to remind us with the way they ended the show, characters belong to Fox and TPTB.
Spoilers: up to the end of season 4.
Summary: Set post series. AU as it completely ignores the last scene of the show. A few months after everything is over, Michael and Lincoln discuss their new lives, dreams and plans.
AN: The title is taken from the lyrics of Little Wonders, by Rob Thomas: "Our lives are made in these small hours, these little wonders, these twists and turns of fate, time falls away but these small hours, these small hours still remain."
AN 2: Not sure if it's okay to post this here... I assumed since it's a community where Michael is alive, then it would have its place, but if I'm wrong, please dear mods feel free to delete :) I'm hoping to come up with something shippy soon too... Somehow for now I find it harder to write. Those who are interested in this, I hope you enjoy it :)
These small hours