Sep 14, 2006 13:45
Hmmm...haven't really been keeping up with this thing. Well the biggest thing that has happened in the last month has been the yearly trip to holden beach. While I was kinda down about a lot of things in the beginning of the week, they proved to be me just blowing trivial things way out of proportion. It was a really good week of hanging out with people and getting into the Bible and other books, but the best part was the people. I've realized more and more that I hate being alone. I used to take walks and enjoy them immensely. I tried walking at the beach and the week since but they arent nearly as fulfilling. I figure its because of two reasons. One, humanity was created to be relational people. Thats why we crave people to talk to and thats prolly why lonely is a word. If we could survive in singularity there'd be no need. and Two, I end up getting more depressed about things when I walk. I figure this is because I tend to overanalyze and process the shit out of them thus making a big deal out of something that isnt a big deal. So yeah...pretty sure Im cutting back on the solo walking.
On another note...137 days till I turn 21...though Im not a big fan of drinking as a whole but who knows maybe being 21 changes that...