Oh, this has gotta be the good life~

Apr 26, 2011 20:29

Table made by facetious


♔ - Family (Affectionate)                        ♗ - Friendly
♚ - Family (Tolerant)                              ♝ - Dislike
♕ - Close                                               ♘ - Ally
♛ - Indifferent                                        ♞ - Wary
♖ - Protective                                        ♙ - Easy Pawn/Amusing
♜ - Hostile                                             ♟ - Not Worth Her Time

and it feels so real from the outside looking in 

- So complicated. Rhode really has no idea what to think about Allen or say about Allen or do about Allen... Things got really weird while they were in Kannagara, their relationship starting to border on friendly for some reason. Finally they struck up a weird sort of truce - one she'll more than likely uphold in Anatole, as long as Allen continues to amuse her by letting her troll him and his friends as much as she pleases.

Besides, killing humans with Allen around turns him into such a sourpuss...

♕ ♖ ♜ ♞ ♙

- One of the few people Rhode is affectionate with and has an undying love and adoration for. He's one of her main caretakers, and she also feels it's part her responsibility to look out for him. Sometimes their interaction can turn violent, but only when he's being uncooperative - because Rhode is Rhode, and Tyki is Tyki, and he should always give her exactly what she wants.

Right now she just wants to keep him with her forever. She's tired of him constantly disappearing on her, and she might still be a tad hurt/annoyed/angry from him leaving her all by her lonesome in Kannagara for so long.

♔ ♕ ♖ ♜ ♗ ♘ ♙
The Earl

- Rhode views the Earl as the person who saved her from being human; as the oldest Noah in this generation, she's something like the Earl's right hand, and she clings to him, in a way, both figuratively and literally. When he's around, she'll physically cling to him, while she also seems to cling to what he represents - change.

Besides Tyki, the Earl is her favorite person in the world, and she looks up to him and will defend him to her very last breath.

♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘

- UGH.

Just because they're "related" doesn't mean Rhode has to like him. Or deal with him. She just likes it better when he and his twin keep out of her way and keep their whining to a minimum.

♚ ♛ ♖ ♜ ♝ ♘ ♟

- Rhode really, really hates Lenalee. She regards her as just another ignorant Exorcist unworthy of her time or attention, but some of the things Lenalee does and says particularly bugs her - especially when they pertain to Allen. As far as Rhode's concerned, Allen's no longer part of the Black Order, but the Exorcists are his friends, so she can't really say or do much about it. All she can do now is glare and snark and hate from afar.

♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟

- This member of the OT4 simply amuses her. She doesn't view any of the Exorcists besides Allen as "real threats" even though Kanda tries to intimidate her and everyone else. She just thinks he's fun to spy on and troll mercilessly. Sometimes he can be fun to fight too.

♛ ♜ ♙

- Another Exorcist Rhode just sees as a fun "playmate." She especially loves to poke at him about his past and about the Bookmen - which she has knowledge about, but will never disclose to any one person exactly how much. Lavi's fun for her to troll and mess with, and she'll probably never stop. She especially loves to creep him out as much as possible. Again, he doesn't pose a real threat to her, but he can be frustrating with the way he meddles sometimes.

♛ ♜ ♞ ♙

- Yet another Exorcist she enjoys trolling! Of course, the General himself poses a challenge to Rhode and the other Noah, as both someone who will retaliate, both to trolling and sniping and any physical attacks they may try to hit him with.

However, to Rhode, he's just another silly Exorcist, and if he didn't amuse her so much, she'd have probably already killed him.

♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♙

- She's wary of this one, but only because she has yet to really define him. He says he's not an Exorcist but he consorts with them, so he's obviously not just any old human. She doesn't see him as a real threat - yet. Mostly they just snark back and forth, and she likes it that way. He's highly entertaining, after all.

♛ ♞ ♙ ♟

- Another very complicated relationship; thankfully Rhode doesn't have to worry about it too much, considering the fact that Neah's been dead for a long time. He still shines through Allen's Stepford Wife smile as the Fourteenth on occasion, which freaks her out simply because she doesn't know anymore what to expect from someone she was probably very close to in the Family at one point in time.

♔ ♚ ♕ ♜ ♖ ♞

- She doesn't know Mana well, but she knows about him and who he is in regards to Allen and Neah. She remembers him from when Neah was alive, and she observed him while she was holed up in the house he shared with "Adam Walker" aka the Earl in disguise. She has no idea how he feels toward her, but she's never had any reason not to like him.


- Just another Exorcist. Rhode barely remembers her, really, because Miranda has a very annoying weapon - the ability to bend time to her will in a way. While it's foiled Rhode's plans before, she doesn't really see Miranda as too much of a threat, especially with a weapon that's so nonconfrontational.

♛ ♞ ♟

- Gilbert! He's neat. And funny. And a good cook. And he has a cool bird power Rhode knows nothing about, but she was trying to learn more before leaving him in Kannagara.

Yeah, she likes him.

♗ ♘ ♙

- Another person she genuinely likes. He's intelligent, and to her that's a rare find among normal humans. They had a great discussion about their different beliefs, and he was the one she sought out to help her get revenge on some of the natives for what they did to her in their underground facility. Overall, not a total waste of space.
♗ ♘

- The guy Matt lives with (and makes out with in public a lot), who can turn into a big blue horse-thing. She still wants to ask him to take her for a ride sometime, though he seems like the type to say no. He's funny and good to have on your side in a fight though, and Rhode wouldn't like to cross paths with him as an enemy.

She knows E likes to drink a lot, and she's heard... stories. :|

♗ ♘ ♙
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus posuere tortor vel urna luctus suscipit. Etiam posuere, elit quis semper tempor, augue orci dignissim magna, laoreet elementum diam nisl eu massa. Sed cursus malesuada sapien, eu gravida ante auctor id. In vel metus ac orci ultricies dignissim vel vitae libero. In volutpat ultricies nisl, eu imperdiet erat tincidunt vel. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed magna enim, venenatis id aliquet ut, feugiat id est. Sed feugiat convallis laoreet. Nam at elit enim. Nunc eu fermentum enim. Nullam a diam vel magna varius iaculis. Proin suscipit, augue nec iaculis faucibus, dui magna convallis orci, sit amet vehicula nisi tellus et lacus. Nam pellentesque pulvinar nisl a convallis. Donec eros ante, pulvinar vitae auctor vitae, ultricies sit amet metus.  
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus posuere tortor vel urna luctus suscipit. Etiam posuere, elit quis semper tempor, augue orci dignissim magna, laoreet elementum diam nisl eu massa. Sed cursus malesuada sapien, eu gravida ante auctor id. In vel metus ac orci ultricies dignissim vel vitae libero. In volutpat ultricies nisl, eu imperdiet erat tincidunt vel. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed magna enim, venenatis id aliquet ut, feugiat id est. Sed feugiat convallis laoreet. Nam at elit enim. Nunc eu fermentum enim. Nullam a diam vel magna varius iaculis. Proin suscipit, augue nec iaculis faucibus, dui magna convallis orci, sit amet vehicula nisi tellus et lacus. Nam pellentesque pulvinar nisl a convallis. Donec eros ante, pulvinar vitae auctor vitae, ultricies sit amet metus.  
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus posuere tortor vel urna luctus suscipit. Etiam posuere, elit quis semper tempor, augue orci dignissim magna, laoreet elementum diam nisl eu massa. Sed cursus malesuada sapien, eu gravida ante auctor id. In vel metus ac orci ultricies dignissim vel vitae libero. In volutpat ultricies nisl, eu imperdiet erat tincidunt vel. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed magna enim, venenatis id aliquet ut, feugiat id est. Sed feugiat convallis laoreet. Nam at elit enim. Nunc eu fermentum enim. Nullam a diam vel magna varius iaculis. Proin suscipit, augue nec iaculis faucibus, dui magna convallis orci, sit amet vehicula nisi tellus et lacus. Nam pellentesque pulvinar nisl a convallis. Donec eros ante, pulvinar vitae auctor vitae, ultricies sit amet metus.  
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus posuere tortor vel urna luctus suscipit. Etiam posuere, elit quis semper tempor, augue orci dignissim magna, laoreet elementum diam nisl eu massa. Sed cursus malesuada sapien, eu gravida ante auctor id. In vel metus ac orci ultricies dignissim vel vitae libero. In volutpat ultricies nisl, eu imperdiet erat tincidunt vel. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed magna enim, venenatis id aliquet ut, feugiat id est. Sed feugiat convallis laoreet. Nam at elit enim. Nunc eu fermentum enim. Nullam a diam vel magna varius iaculis. Proin suscipit, augue nec iaculis faucibus, dui magna convallis orci, sit amet vehicula nisi tellus et lacus. Nam pellentesque pulvinar nisl a convallis. Donec eros ante, pulvinar vitae auctor vitae, ultricies sit amet metus.  
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus posuere tortor vel urna luctus suscipit. Etiam posuere, elit quis semper tempor, augue orci dignissim magna, laoreet elementum diam nisl eu massa. Sed cursus malesuada sapien, eu gravida ante auctor id. In vel metus ac orci ultricies dignissim vel vitae libero. In volutpat ultricies nisl, eu imperdiet erat tincidunt vel. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed magna enim, venenatis id aliquet ut, feugiat id est. Sed feugiat convallis laoreet. Nam at elit enim. Nunc eu fermentum enim. Nullam a diam vel magna varius iaculis. Proin suscipit, augue nec iaculis faucibus, dui magna convallis orci, sit amet vehicula nisi tellus et lacus. Nam pellentesque pulvinar nisl a convallis. Donec eros ante, pulvinar vitae auctor vitae, ultricies sit amet metus.  
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus posuere tortor vel urna luctus suscipit. Etiam posuere, elit quis semper tempor, augue orci dignissim magna, laoreet elementum diam nisl eu massa. Sed cursus malesuada sapien, eu gravida ante auctor id. In vel metus ac orci ultricies dignissim vel vitae libero. In volutpat ultricies nisl, eu imperdiet erat tincidunt vel. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed magna enim, venenatis id aliquet ut, feugiat id est. Sed feugiat convallis laoreet. Nam at elit enim. Nunc eu fermentum enim. Nullam a diam vel magna varius iaculis. Proin suscipit, augue nec iaculis faucibus, dui magna convallis orci, sit amet vehicula nisi tellus et lacus. Nam pellentesque pulvinar nisl a convallis. Donec eros ante, pulvinar vitae auctor vitae, ultricies sit amet metus.  
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus posuere tortor vel urna luctus suscipit. Etiam posuere, elit quis semper tempor, augue orci dignissim magna, laoreet elementum diam nisl eu massa. Sed cursus malesuada sapien, eu gravida ante auctor id. In vel metus ac orci ultricies dignissim vel vitae libero. In volutpat ultricies nisl, eu imperdiet erat tincidunt vel. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed magna enim, venenatis id aliquet ut, feugiat id est. Sed feugiat convallis laoreet. Nam at elit enim. Nunc eu fermentum enim. Nullam a diam vel magna varius iaculis. Proin suscipit, augue nec iaculis faucibus, dui magna convallis orci, sit amet vehicula nisi tellus et lacus. Nam pellentesque pulvinar nisl a convallis. Donec eros ante, pulvinar vitae auctor vitae, ultricies sit amet metus. 

relationships, [scorched], [kannagara]

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