Wow.. I so lied about getting any work done on that Doujinshi. Instead I've been tweeting my head off about any scrap of Merlin I can get my hands on lol. I even
tweeted at Anthony Head.. *flush* I hope he replies lol.
I found some really neat things though, while looking around the web today:
* An
article about the "intense" friendship between Merlin and Arthur
"But it doesn't worry us at all. When we're storylining we are aware of it, but we don't shy away from it at all because it is part of it. I think if you started worrying about, ‘Oh, will people think this is gay?’ it will limit you."
"Because at the end of the day these are two men who are in an incredibly intense friendship so of course there is a certain amount of love there. I think that's good. It's great for kids to see that two men can have an intense friendship."
(Then in the comments): <3When James Bradley (Arthur) was asked by fans about his relationship with Colin (Merlin) on set and off, he answered that they are great friends now and Colin is a very funny and lovely person.
He also mentioned that Colin comes from a family with strong Catholic background, so he has some relevant attitude.
When I read that I was thinking, why did he said that? The I realized that James Bradley is (in my opinion and observation) OK with that slash fiction and pairing staff, but Colin probably not. So he just defended him in all our (slashy Merlin/Arthur fans) eyes.
* Also found this
great thread at IMDB about the slashyness of the show. It had me loling for a while.
* Also, I'd reccomend the fanfiction
here by
slashweaver: All slash, some squick-a-licious but I dont squick at much of anything and I loved it.