Deanna babe, you need to get over yourself. Hes not interested in you, a 12 year old whos three years younger than him. I know you like him a lot but to put us through hell by posting ridiculous picutres of yourself where you think you look "emo" and not making eye contact with the camera is stupid. By the way I hate your picutres, you are cute, but you post so many picutres of yourself but you arnt HOT. And obsessiveness over a guy and worshipping him is a turn off. Does he read this journal? I'm saying this in the most considerate way, but you are extremely stupid. You are dating aral, yet crying over another guy. Is not that skanky? If you don't love Aral, then don't hurt the poor kid. Grow up, and face the reality that your only 12 and in the next 5 years all of your older guy crushes will soon be off to college and will never see you again, and at the end of those 5 years so will you. It will be a complete different adventure. And you guys say you'll go to the same college, its all planned out. But it never works like that.
( ... )
i totally agree. updating 4 times a day about a boy who doesn't like you, and you admit he doesn't like you, just demeans yourself. get a life. no twelve year old is hot so it doesn't make you any different; sure, you aren't ugly, but you aren't GORGEOUS. stop trying to convince everyone you are by posting these ridiculous pictures. bye.
i honesytly appreciate your comment but you said it. i'm smart, and those older guy crushes are exactly that. and i never said anywhere tat i was crying over anyone, and i honestly realize he's not interested in me. and i know i'm 12 and soon enough everything will change. but this is my livejournal where i can write how i feel right now. and i don't post pics so i can be like "OH.EM.EFF.GEE guys i aw soo hawt". i post them cause i'm bored and i feel like it... and they are ridiculous pictures.. hm i believe that was the point. and anyways i'm 12 you have all said it a bajillion times.. so don't i have the right to have stupid crushes. ♥ deanna marie.
p.s. and why would silly old me want to be emo? i remember the good old days when that was far from a compliment...
you are so pathetic
November 28 2004, 23:26:30 UTC
ok SAL does not LIKE you at ALL get the fuck over yourself and realize that alex G and that dellinger are way better looking and your fucking 12 years old, get some 7th grader to fall inlove with you. We all know its sal so stop pretending like people are going to feel sorry for you, he DOESNT like YOU! is it that hard to understand?
y would u say that? u obviously kno nothing about this girl or u wouldnt ramble on about some lil random sinerio u can tell u have thought about a lot. u obviosly dont kno this girl's capabilities. if she wants someone, she can get them. right on deanna, u go get um!
i'm smart, and those older guy crushes are exactly that.
and i never said anywhere tat i was crying over anyone,
and i honestly realize he's not interested in me.
and i know i'm 12 and soon enough everything will change.
but this is my livejournal where i can write how i feel right now.
and i don't post pics so i can be like "OH.EM.EFF.GEE guys i aw soo hawt".
i post them cause i'm bored and i feel like it...
and they are ridiculous pictures.. hm i believe that was the point.
and anyways i'm 12 you have all said it a bajillion times..
so don't i have the right to have stupid crushes.
♥ deanna marie.
p.s. and why would silly old me want to be emo?
i remember the good old days when that was far from a compliment...
assumingly in a brotherly sisterly way..
i assume this cause who says luv?
and i know alex and emily are prettier than me.
and i understand perfectly fine.
jules left the comment like a true dork wad.
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