
May 21, 2013 21:35

I have heard spoilers from the new Trek movies, spoilers that I was expecting but still hoping to be wrong about.

Am so fucking glad I did not give these whitecasting motherfuckers my money.

The funny thing, though?

I've been writing this epic S/K fic I had to set aside years ago for a few days just on the fuel of my rage and... you guys... fuck this shit.

Once turns from a show based around Snow/Emma/Regina to a show based around.... Rumple, his son and... the destiny of his... grandson, and we lose another female character (Ruby) because they won't fucking give her actress anything to work with? Totes happy for Ory but really? Really?

And this casting shit, from my most beloved of fandoms?

Fuck. This. Shit.

The difference between this shit and the delight that The Great Gatsby continues to give me is... seriously a fucking contrast you guys.

star trek into whitecast

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