→ The shitstorm taking over the Brittany/Santana fandom is kind of making me facepalm and, lord almighty, actually causing me to, I shit you not,
actually defend this shit show.
1) Nobody ever claimed Brittany was a lesbian. She herself has "defined" herself as open sexually to whatever it is that catches her attention. Do I like Artie? No, he's a douche - but please, from the beginning, she's been portrayed as pretty much a pansexual growing into herself. So. Yeah. I understand the suck of it always being the female non-straight characters that end up being bisexuals (and how often that ends up playing into the 'all lezzies just need a good man' trope) but I'm more offended by that when the character in question is paraded as a lesbian, ZOMG, IT'S A WALK-OFF LESBIAN! and that's not what we have with Brit's character.
2) Brittanna is not the be-all, end-all for Santana's character. I actually like the ship quite a lot but I love both of these characters more, and at this point? I'd rather the characters stay true to themselves than be locked into something that's starting to look like they're both going to outgrow it, honestly. If they end up together, cool. If Britt goes off to be awesome with whoever, as long as it's written well, it's cool and it'd be even more cool to have Santana just end up a strong young lesbian sure of herself. Which brings me to...
3) Fuck everybody not happy with Santana's side of this story. Because, uh, I think it'll go down as one of my favorites despite the suck of the rest of the show. It's been believable, well-done, and extremely well-acted, all of which I actually credit Naya with. And, honestly, Brittany, again, has been played from the beginning as, at the least, openly bisexual - so there's no real problem there, seriously. Santana, though, would set me off if they tried to pull the bi card on her because, unlike Brittany, it WOULD be a serious attempt at putting her back in the good old trope. And I'm not seeing any sign of that happening yet, even though I am bitterly watching for it.
4) Please do not get your panties in a bunch, period. With how often this show goes off the rails? It's cool, people, please calm the fuck down and back the fuck up, and don't follow the show if it's just going to upset you to this amount. Just. Really. I have more hope now that Joss' back-up is in the house (and I seriously couldn't be offended by her recent interview) but, yeah, this is still one of the worst written shows probably of all time. ust saying.
→ Now able to completely watch Dollhouse in order and without people going crazy around me has sealed the deal: it will go down as my favorite of the Whedon shows as of right now. More adult and better worked re: issues than BtVS/Ats, and able to tackle the rougher shit that just did not work on those two shows. Some of the twists later on were failtastic, and could have worked if done more slowly, but S1, for me, is, yep, one of my favorite things ever, now. Also, I don't remember ever being able to buy a ship like Victor/Sierra before and, oh, hey, Joss did it for me. Yay, Joss. And, of course, now I'm on the icon search, yo.
→ STILL looking for good Harry/Ron to satisfy my cravings. Ugh.
→ Also working on a small-ish threesome piece from LotS. Why? Because it's pretty, and sexy, and Cara is always invited to the party in my pants, mm-kay?
→ My Heroes Big Bang is actually coming together, surprisingly. I still need to get my word count higher but my problem, still, is my worry that nobody will understand it. Except if I make it any clearer, it'll be way too easy to figure out from the beginning. It's keeping me from working on a lot of the other stuff I want to do, including Psych, but I've got a few scenes for Shawn/Lassiter done and ready to put in something. If, uh. I can figure out what, >____>