9 June 1989, Evening

Jun 09, 2010 22:33

Meg needed to be away, just for a little while.

But, things being what they are, she doesn't want to be far away. She needs to be where people can still find her if they need to. For whatever reason ( Read more... )

winchester, kim, luc, alain

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bannion_sight May 31 2010, 01:20:10 UTC
Between the time she'd received her mother's call and now, just over half a day has passed.

In that time, Kim had made several calls and arrangements of her own before taking the first flight back over the ocean.

Once she'd finally reached the hospital, her father had given her the update on Alain's condition. John had looked grave while doing it; it's a look she recognized.

In the silence that followed the news, Deirdre had told her where Meg was to be found.

Kim hesitates at the door of the chapel, but not for long. The door makes a soft hissing sound against the carpet as she pushes it open.


ever_noteful May 31 2010, 01:24:30 UTC
It's enough of a noise, in an otherwise silent room.

Meg turns, and looks over at the door.



bannion_sight May 31 2010, 01:28:17 UTC

Kim steps in, letting the door shut behind her. Gray eyes are clear and searching.

"How are you holding up?"


ever_noteful May 31 2010, 01:35:06 UTC
Meg shrugs her good shoulder. "I'm okay," she says.

A beat, and then she says, "That wasn't even remotely convincing, was it?"


bannion_sight May 31 2010, 01:36:50 UTC
"Afraid not," she says, quietly.


ever_noteful May 31 2010, 01:39:13 UTC
Meg nods.

"Yeah, well, that's because you're not stupid."

Meg rubs her left hand across her eyes.

"I'm . . .

"I'm really glad you're here."


bannion_sight May 31 2010, 01:42:08 UTC
She takes one step forward, then another, then another.

"What can I do? Is there anything?"


ever_noteful May 31 2010, 01:46:21 UTC
"I don't know," Meg says.

"I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing."


bannion_sight May 31 2010, 01:52:15 UTC
"I don't think there is any 'supposed to,' when it comes to something like this," Kim murmurs.

By now she's almost reached Meg's side. Kim stops in front of her sister, and raises her hand as if to brush a lock of hair back from the cut on her cheek.

"Oh, Meg."


ever_noteful May 31 2010, 01:57:08 UTC
Meg puts her head on her sister's left shoulder and wraps her good arm across Kim's back and over to her other shoulder.

"I'm really glad you're here," she says again.


bannion_sight May 31 2010, 02:04:43 UTC
She hugs Meg tight and holds her close, stroking one hand soothingly over her sister's hair.

"So am I," she murmurs. "So am I."


ever_noteful May 31 2010, 02:14:41 UTC
Meg closes her eyes and stays right where she is, for a long couple of moments.

And then takes a deep breath, only a little shaky.

"How are you? Did Mom and Dad catch you up on everything? Do you need anything?"


bannion_sight May 31 2010, 02:17:39 UTC
"I'm fine," Kim assures her. "I'll probably need more coffee in a little while, but not just yet."

She pulls back a little, just enough to search Meg's face.

"Mom said you hadn't slept?"


ever_noteful May 31 2010, 02:20:59 UTC
Meg smiles very, very slightly.

"I wound up in Milliways and got knocked out by an angel who decided I looked like I needed a nap, and decided not to give me the chance to argue about it.

"So I've slept. A little while ago. I just . . . didn't want to go into it in the middle of all this, you know?

"I had an omelet, too."


bannion_sight May 31 2010, 02:26:13 UTC
"Really." Kim sounds a little amused at that. "I guess he must have considered it a heavenly mission."

"But I know what you mean."

She glances down at the sling, then back up at Meg's face.

"How's your arm feeling?"


ever_noteful May 31 2010, 02:32:01 UTC
"He can be pushy, when he wants to be," Meg says.

She looks down at the sling, too.

"It doesn't hurt that much. My shoulder was dislocated, but I didn't need surgery or anything.

"My injuries were pretty minor, given . . . well, given what they could have been."

Which is to say given what Alain's are.

Only without actually saying it.


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