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blackfrancine November 23 2010, 16:13:32 UTC
Aaaannd... now I'm listening to the soundtrack at my desk.

I have a completely irrational emotional attachment to this episode. Completely. Irrational. I would carry this episode's baby. I would raise this episode's baby to be the kind of episode that its father is (? Is the episode male? My metaphor is thinning out on me. Is this even a metaphor? I'm confused. What am I talking about? Where am I?). True story.

I can't even pick a favorite song. I could narrow it down to four. No, five. I have five favorite songs. Unless you count the reprise of Under My Spell as a separate song, then there's six.

I have nothing productive to add--but I can tell you stories about me listening to the OMWF soundtrack in my car and weeping while listening to Giles sing that he wishes he could stay. Weeping. Like a babe in the woods. For reals.

Also, SMG looks so gorgeous in this episode.


ever_neutral November 23 2010, 16:31:13 UTC

I feel like this episode is neither a girl nor a boy, really. Which might make impregnation complicated...

I think my favorite is probably "Walk Through The Fire." Followed by "Where Do We Go"? Yeah. Liable to change at the drop of a hat though.

lol, were you crying AND singing along? And meanwhile it was raining outside? Because that I can believe.

SMG looks gorgeous in every episode. But it's not every episode she gets to wear that red top and trench-coat.


blackfrancine November 23 2010, 16:44:20 UTC
It may have been raining outside. And I was definitely crying AND singing... and taking breaks in the singing to wail, "Giles! She needs you, you imbecile! Don't Go!"

My top five or six songs in no particular order are:
Walk Through the Fire
Standing/Under My Spell Reprise (that's the full song standing and the reprise of the duet)
Going Through the Motions
Something to Sing About
I've Got a Theory

SMG=Gorgeous. Truth. And that redish hair with that bright red sweater and the bright red lips? Ugh. So much pretty.


ever_neutral November 23 2010, 16:51:19 UTC
Baha, I can picture it so well.

All excellent choices. *nod* Of course, they're all excellent so I'd have been likely to say the same thing regardless of what you put.

OMG, can I fangirl the redish hair for a mo? I love it. IDK. Best shade of blonde. S6. It's aesthetically pleasing.


blackfrancine November 23 2010, 18:01:44 UTC
Also, note that I said stories, plural. The weeping happened more than once. So, it's likely that at least one of those times it was actually raining. But every time, IT WAS RAINING IN MY HEART.

You CAN fangirl the redish hair! I want to dance around for joy because I love that strawberry blond color so, so much. This is me because of the pretty hair:

... )


ever_neutral November 24 2010, 02:05:14 UTC

And I am imagining you imitating that gif as we speak.


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