Stayin' Alive

Sep 24, 2014 09:25

Hello, all! Sorry I've been pretty much MIA, as of late. I'll try to be better about keeping things lively here.

Lately, I realized I have a lot of unfinished writing projects. Over a period of five to seven years, these stories have been slowly congregating into one big, inter-connected saga, with huge time jumps in between some of the books. Rather like Tolkien's works, which is half coincidence and half not.

I'm tired of leaving these stories alone for weeks at a time, so I'm challenging myself to work at least a little bit every single day. I want this saga, big and cumbersome though it is, to be DONE in five years. I want the crux point, which was suppposed to be one novel and ended up growing into a trilogy, to be done in two.

I think I'm crazy. But I'm happier for coming to this decision, so I'll be crazy and happy. :)

Hope you're all doing well!

rambling, writer's block, ramble, my crazy huge saga, my writing, writing

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