Several months after
trying out BBC's Merlin, I'm happy to say that I've finally grown addicted. Just began the second season, and while the stories still seem to be Evil Overt Magic vs. Good Subtle Magic, with Uther being an unsympathetic jerk and Arthur a more sympathetic jerk, it's really grown on me. Morgana and Guinevere are definitely girls I'd love to invite over for a tea party. :D
Also, I'm very tempted to write an AU fanfic taking up after this scene. When I'm not wondering where one of the guys from PotC got all those random black feathers, that is. (The tomb, perhaps?)
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Something tells me that a temporary Evil!Merlin would be very, very fun. (Or does that happen later in the series, since Evil Sorceror of Evilness Unfathomed was just locked up, instead of destroyed? No, wait, don't answer that.)