Okey Dokey, Meme Time

Aug 02, 2013 11:58

Leave me a comment o' randomness; your favorite quote, the best sandwich in the world, a good song lyric, what color pants you're wearing, and I'll respond with five questions you can answer in your own LJ leaving with them an open invitation for other people to give you comments o' randomness. Then you can ask them questions and before you know it we'll all know everything about everyone.

I was tagged by florencia7, so here goes!

1. What is your favorite book adaptation of all time?
Oh my goodness, that's a tough one! If I absolutely have to choose, it's the 1995 Pride and Prejudice mini-series. Basically, I want every. single. one. of Jane Austen's books to be adapted in something that lengthy. Especially Mansfield Park, because I feel somebody needs to adapt it in way to show haters just how strong Fanny Price is, even if they do think she's only a mouse.

2. If you could have any fictional character for a brother/sister, who would it be?
Brother: probably Laurie from Little Women. That would be so much fun! Sister: Elinor Dashwood. I could always depend on her. :)

3. Which fandom inspired you to make your very first icons?
I think my very first icons, which I never posted and probably have deleted by now, were Pride and Prejudice and Lord of the Rings.

4. Summer days or winter nights?

5. What do you think heaven/afterlife is like?
I'm Christian, so I definitely believe we go before God and learn whether we're written in His Book of Life after we die. But after that, I'm not sure if we just rocket straight to heaven, since technically, as far as I know, the Bible never says, "And as soon as the elect die, they soar up into the heavens to abide there forever." It does talk about the kingdom Jesus establishes on earth after He comes back again, and also that we'll glorify Him eternally. So, long story short, I think when He comes back again, He'll restore our bodies to the glory we were intended to display before the Fall, and then we'll abide under His rule here on earth. But until then, I'm not entirely certain. I'll just trust on faith. (Sorry for long answer. ^^)

personal, meme

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