What Are the Odds . . .

Aug 30, 2012 00:14

. . . that you walk across your dark bedroom to turn off your CD player, only to see a silhouette of a spider on the INSIDE of the LED screen?

Well, odds or no odds, I just did. Usually, I would find that cool instead of creepy--but in this instance, this spider naturally just HAD to look like a tiny brown recluse. (And if baby spiders are anything like baby snakes when it comes to not knowing when to stop spewing venom . . . yikes.)

My poor CD player is going to have to spend the night outside. Hopefully, nothing else will crawl inside after the spider decides to leave.

And the images of brown recluses (sprinkled with horrifically unattended brown recluse bites) that I looked at are certainly not helping me feel like going to sleep. (Ironically, I was having a great night before this. Finally decided that it would be cheaper to buy separate DVD and Blu-ray copies of The Hunger Games and watched the Blu-Ray. Ahhhhhh.)

rl, blegh, yikes, arg

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