Layout Changes . . . In Progress

Aug 24, 2012 00:39

I've been wanting to whip out a new layout to match the banner above for a long, long time, but I hadn't worked up the gumption. Until now. I've tweaked this layout a bit, and I'm still not sure if I'm done tweaking yet or not. (The layout, I mean. Saying "tweaking" always feels wrong, somehow, no matter what the context. LOL.) I'll probably grow lazy and leave this as is. We'll see.

All I know right now is, my sleep pattern for the last few days has been ridiculously messed up (always staying up late, sometimes waking up early, sometimes waking up really late, sometimes taking long naps--even though I NEVER take naps). So I'm in a weird mood, and I can't decide if I feel more like this:

credit frona

Or this:

I . . . think I'll just get some rest. Night all! Namarie!

layout, rl, rambling, blegh

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