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Nov 02, 2011 08:51

Snagged a quiz from litlover12. It's really fun, even though it completely ignores a few genres (why do some people act as if gothic rock doesn't exist?!) and isn't entirely accurate.

And my result:

Reflective & Complex

69% Reflective-Complex, 69% Intense-Rebellious, 46% Upbeat-Conventional and 15% Energetic-Rhythmic!

The Reflective and Complex dimension projects a broad spectrum of both positive and negative emotions that is quite complex in structure.

The Reflective and Complex dimension was positively related to Openness to New Experiences, self-perceived intelligence, verbal (but not analytic) ability, and political liberalism and negatively related to social dominance orientation and athleticism. These correlations, along with item-level analyses of the Big Five [Personality] Inventory, suggest that individuals who enjoy listening to reflective and complex music tend to be inventive, have active imaginations, value aesthetic experiences, consider themselves to be intelligent, tolerant of others, and reject conservative ideals.

Short Test of Music Preferences.

First off, I love how Openness to New Experiences has been Capitalized to Emphasize Importance. *snicker*

Second, just what IS "self-perceived intelligence"? Is that supposed to mean that I'm quite aware of my own intelligence--or that I think I'm more intelligent than I really am? XD

Verbal (but not analytic) ability? So I can talk a mile a minute without really analyzing what I say? Guess I should stop this analysis right now. LOL.

Political liberalism. Hmmm. I don't know about this one. If "liberal" can be construed to mean "generous enough to believe people should be allowed to earn an income free of income tax", then, yes, I am definitely liberal. XD

Active imagination? Yes. That nail, at least, was hit squarely on the head.

Reject conservative ideals. Who, me? Thinking like a Victorian half the time, because I'm always reading old-fashioned books, doesn't count as conservative? Oh, well. *shrugs*

And . . . now I'm off to write some more!

lol, quiz, music

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