Movie Reviews

May 29, 2008 22:53

Lust, Caution


Another controversial production by our favorite controversial Asian, Ang Lee. All I have to say is the ending was mad surprising. It made me incredibly sad and confused. This film is VERY graphic in terms of sex. Most American films don't show nearly as many body parts up close as this one so I was very shocked...and probably corrupted to some extent. I do think the title is very symbolic and appropriate. I think most people will watch this and leave only with the graphic images in mind, but the film is very emotionally deep in terms of making choices and foolishly allowing emotions to interfere. On a random note, I love the fashion in China during that era. The hats are so cute. I want one. I would seriously wear one in the summer even though it would look outdated.

Indiana Jones

First Indiana Jones film I've ever seen. It's pretty much like outdated National Treasure. 1) Ancient old myth about some underground palace made of gold 2) Some old guy leaves a bunch of hints to reach it 3)Must outrun or outsmart enemy to find it first



I only tortured myself through this one because my friend said it was cute for a kid's movie. This is worse than any animated Disney film I've ever seen. NOT CUTE.

Random: I really really really <3 my bf. And now I feel like a complete retard for typing it that way. But I would just like to thank God or whomever for giving me the patience(or maybe I didn't have a choice) to wait and not settle for some loser Korean fob. Also for giving me the courage to take a risk and not get lost in my stupid stupid high standards.
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