Aug 16, 2003 03:35
My first trip spent out of Texas since Christmas will be the same place I went during Christmas. Yay, the lush vacation paradise known as Knoxville, Tennessee! I actually am excited - I'm being sarcastic now but yes I'm excited. Today (saturday) will be devoted to packing and cat grooming, and Sunday I jet.
Plans are to meet up with everyone I neglected to during highscool, and have some big dumb party all just for ME. And I also want to buy shoes.. and a haircut. The ends are possibilitiless!
Other news: My effects crew made foam for a private party tonight. The police showed up and tons of underaged drinkers freaked out. Pretty fawking awesome. Armadillo News, the feature film directed by my nineteen year old friend Chris Rose wrapped today. I'm amazed. It was done as professional as any other movie. Maybe more so. And he had never even been on a film set. Can't wait to see the product.