
Oct 26, 2010 16:31

Hey flist, have you checked out my blog lately?

Please do so if you have the time:  http://boredomaboundsbyjulia.blogspot.com

Also - I have a facebook "fan" page for my blog - please head over there and click on the page's "Like" button if you want to receive regular updates about Boredom Abounds. I currently have 10 people who "like" it - which is a bit moritfying. You can find it here: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Boredom-Abounds-By-Julia/150764478274753

I'm thinking about doing a Christmas giveaway on the blog, which could be fun. I just have to come up with something Christmas-y to give away......

On a sort of related note, does anyone know why my LJ links look like this when I click the link button: boredomaboundsbyjulia.blogspot.com instead of plain text that's linked (ie. not a partial URL)? I have no idea why they appear like this now.

Also, I have a cold for the fourth time in six months. It is slowly killing my will to live.

The end.

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