Dec 31, 2008 23:30
Have a nice new year's eve, everyone! And tomorrow make plans for the future, the first day of the year is only good for that.
I saw Shiryu sleeping with an eight-year-old in SS. Sleeping and hugging. No wonder the series has been censored so many times in the past. I'd include a huge cap in here, but I'm not home so I can't... It's hard to post so many times on the row, you never know if you'll get home on time to do it D:
The happy meme
1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it's just a small thing.
2. Do this everyday for a week without fail.
3. Tag 8 of your friends to do the same.
1. Shiryu x Kiki
2. ...Here I should say something like "Family Reunion", but I hate these.
Nothing else. Today was grim. I wanted to cast some spell or read the tarot or at least keep on fangirling, but no luck this year. All that's left to try is some meditation and hope for interesting dreams. Hope everyone had a better 31st.