Interview thoughts

Jan 27, 2008 09:36

I've finished three interviews and people have recommended that I record how I feel at the end of each interviews, so that when it comes time to rank, it will be easier.

1. Ottawa Anesthesia
The interviewers were very nice and laid back. I was interviewed by Dr. Wynne, Dr. Persaud, Dr. Barrows and Dr. Wynard.

Questions they asked me:
1. What qualities will make you a successful anesthesiologist
2. CV questions: they asked me about my trip to HK and one of my volunteering activities
3. Most memorable case in anesthesia
4. Case: If a patient crashes during a case, who is the leader - the surgeon or anesthesiologist?
5. Case: You are giving anesthesia and you see ST changes on the ECG - what do you do?

I asked them what are the greatest strengths and weaknesses of the program and right now I can't remember their answer. I also asked if their residents were happy or if many of them had left the program. Dr. Wynn said that I should talk to the residents, but very few of them had left. I had the opportunity to join Dr. Wynne in the Pain Clinic and she was easygoing and provided lots of teaching. I hope I made a good impression on her!

General feeling after the interview: I love Ottawa as the city and I feel like I would really love the program. I like the emphasis on regional anesthesia and the people all seem very nice. I think I could be very compatible here and very happy. Ottawa has moved to the top of my life!

2. Ottawa Family
The interviews were the program director Dr. Bouchard and one of the first year residents. They were friendly and laidback.

Some questions they asked me:
- describe myself and what led me to family medicine
- what characteristics do I have that will make me a good family physician
- describe a situation where you demonstrated empathy
- where do I see myself in 5-10 years

I asked them:
- about the opportunities for international electives. They told me about the Panama trip and another trip that is offered. It was very exciting to talk to the resident because she was going on the trip. They mentioned that the Elizabeth Bruyere site has the most international focus because of the staff. One of the doctors just came back from a Doctors Without Borders trip and it sounds incredible.
- about the opportunities for R3 programs and if many residents pursue them after graduation. They told me that there are many programs including a new global health program and a flexible third year, but because the spots have been so few in the past not many residents completed R3s. However, they hope to triple the number of spots over the next few years, which is fantastic!

General feeling after the interview: At the end of this interview, I was almost convinced to do family medicine in Ottawa because of the international opportunities. The staff sound like doctors who are inspiring and the type of doctors that I want to be. The program director was warm and approachable and the resident seemed very nice. The program sounds like it is flexible and it doesn't require any surgery rotation, which is sweet. Again, Ottawa Family is pretty high on my list for Family Med programs.

3. Calgary Family
I was interviewed by a physician and a resident. We were given presentations about the program from the program director and the chief resident. The program director was boring and monotone. The chief resident was fantastic and really believes that Calgary's program is the best!

What they asked me:
- situation where I demonstrated empathy
- situation where I had to perform a medical intervention
- situation where I had an ethical dilemma
- what qualities I had that would make me a good resident and good family physician
- what kind of practice I would like in the future
- what I like to do in my spare time

Questions I asked them:
- opportunities for international electives and if there are any pre-set trips (similar to Ottawa). They said that those types of electives need to be set up individually but there is always support. I was less impressed by that as compared to what Ottawa offers.
- Any changes to the program in the next three years. They said that there will always be changes because the program is evolving, but weren't really specific in anything that was going to happen.
- the greatest weakness in the program. The resident replied that she had heard people weren't happy with the peds rotation but feedback had already been given, so hopefully changes will be made. Again, she wasn't very specific, but she also mentioned that she has not had that rotation yet.

General feeling after the interview: I wasn't too impressed actually when I came out. The program sounds okay, but you have to do a surgery block, whick kinda sucks. The residents seem very happy. The interview was not very conversational and they asked me about all these clinical scenarios that I had, which was difficult. But the interviewers were very supportive and nice. I feel like Calgary would be okay but I wasn't super happy or pumped after I came out of the interview. I think I was disappointed with the international opportunities.
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