May 22, 2006 18:13
I'm so excited! I met with Mark Noble today, and I GET TO DO RESEARCH IN HIS LAB!!!! WOOHOOOOOO!!!!! He's currently investigating the chemosensitivity of neural stem cells to various cancer treatments. So. Awesome. This is my super excited face! WHEEEEE.
First day of summer class today. It's going to be a very very long summer, but I can do this. I feel bad for some of the other people in the class though. I mean seriously, it's going to be a bitch. The teacher is quite soft-spoken, and doesn't really explain things at all, so he's kind of hard to follow. Also, a ton of material is covered each day. I'm estimating about 2 hours of studying every night. Not the worst thing ever. As long as I stay on top of things, I'll be fine-erific! I don't really know when I'm going to fit in studying on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, since I have class straight from 8:45 am to 8:30 pm with 2 breaks for meals. Whatever, I'll figure it out.
I made yummy food today. I rock. :-)
It turns out that ranch dressing diluted with a bit of milk is a great substitute for white pasta sauce. Seriously, it's delicious.