Bad news

Jan 19, 2009 06:19

I think I'm going to need to journal. This is not going to be as fun as the last time.

In September I had routine mammography and they wanted to redo some of it. OK, no big deal it's happened before. But then they decided that I needed a biopsy. No can do because my health insurance ended the next day due to the fact that I was changing jobs. OOps. I wasn't too worried, they spoke of "calcs". OK, I start the new job and will not be eligible for insurance until 1 December. But when that date comes, I'm trying desperately to keep the job which is not going well. Like I'm thinking about throwing up every time I go to work not going well. New Years day, we get the call that the mobiles in Colorado burned to the ground. Not a huge loss but we still had stuff in them, Then on the 2nd I get called into the office and canned. Nicely but I'm unemployed. I triple check and I've got health insurance until the end of the month. So.

Last Monday I had repeat mammography--nothing changed. Wednesday I had the biopsy, The radiologist that did the biopsy walked in, announced it was benign and if he had read the mammography we wouldn't be doing this. I'm sitting there with my boob squashed between two plastic plates and said something to the effect of we're here, let's do it. And I get the call Thursday that the report is ductal carcinoma in situ. I spend the rest of Thursday a) freaking out b) trying to figure out what to do next and c) telling people that need to be told, like my kids.

I called a friend of mine who is a fifth generation Nevadan figuring that she has contacts and she did but that particular surgeon is going to be out of town and didn't want to see me. I went to the Komen center and talked with the director there. She gave me a bag with information, tee shirts that don't fit me and we talked. She mentioned another surgeon and I have an appointment with her today. Meanwhile Chris & I are snapping at each other, I still don't have a job and we are working on broke.

It's been a hell of a week.
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