Frequently Asked Questions + other information

Dec 08, 2006 10:02

I decided to put up a FAQ sort of post, as well as be open to whatever questions people might want to ask. :) If you have a question, please browse the list below and if your question is not answered, or you want clarification on my answer, feel free to post a comment and ask.

How do I credit your icons?
What resources/brushes/textures/etc do you use?
Is your icon meme really up indefinitely?
Will you make tutorials of how you did icons?

How do I credit your icons?

When you go to the LiveJournal page/form where you can upload your LJ icons, you should see the following form -- place the credits to my icon journal in the comments field like so:

What resources/brushes/textures/etc do you use?

Please see the !resources tag, which contains a full list of the resources I use. :)

Is your icon meme really up indefinitely?

Yes! Please feel free to comment and request. I usually do it in batches, so it might take a while before you get yours -- but you will get it. ;)

Will you make tutorials of how you did icons?

Yes, if requested, and I will try to remember everything I did to a particular icon. I always store PSDs of the icons I make. :)

!frequently asked questions

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