I'm tossing out the Greenies because after two of you told me about the dangers of Greenies, a THIRD friend, offline, did, too. EEK!
Plus I just found this:
http://www.kirotv.com/investigations/5325021/detail.html *Twitch*
In other news, obedience training Diamond to "say please" with a tap on my hand for a treat has yeilded a very interesting result: sometimes he gets irritated with something I'm doing, such as holding a paw or touching his stomach. Now he starts to bite, slows down, then pulls back and looks away or asks for a treat instead. Just not he bit me a little hard, then bit again, but it was more of a soft warning, then he looked at the treat can and back at me and let me continue holding his paw. He got an immediate thumbs up and a treat.
Iiiiinteresting behaviors, no??