Someone on Facebook today had one of those random little quotes on their status that said: "Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself." I had a little, Huh., moments over it. We certainly are in tumultuous times at this point in our lives, but I have a feeling it never really gets very much easier. There'll always be something, won't there? Knowing that we have to create instead of discover ourselves is both reassuring and affirming for me--there's no one true way to do things that is somehow the correct path for us to take, rather, the path we take is the one that becomes the correct way because we take it. Anyway, I liked it.
It's already 2010. Not only a new year, but a new decade. I think back to 2000, at being 13 and just starting high school and everything that I thought would or wouldn't happen, and it's pretty amazing at where I am today. When I was 13, I started a creative writing site that changed my life. It ended in 2007, and it needed to end, but the friendships that were made and that have continued to this day are amazing. I very literally wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for that website--I wouldn't be on this continent, in this city, in this apartment, lying on this futon, because Jeremy is someone I met through the site, and who knows if I ever would have come to Australia if I hadn't met him and a few others from Down Under.
And now... maybe I am crazy, but there's been talk about re-opening the site. One of our old members asked about it a while ago, and it's kept popping back up in my mind as something that I just can't say no to. Of course I can't say yes to it yet either, but the fact that I can't say no... The site was what it was because a lot of us were teenagers and not particularly challenged by school, so we had lots of time to work on it and be nerdy together. But there've been babies, marriages, graduations, jobs, and lives since then, not to mention that the internet is a pretty different place compared to what it was ten years ago. Deanne might remember us trying to start up
onWords, the somewhat "continuation" writing site that really never went anywhere, because it had no direction and kind of just got lost in the melee of the interwebs. I don't know why I think that another role-playing site based on the Wheel of Time would be any better, but it at least narrows things down and provides some structure. (The old site still exists
here, though not all the files are working because of some recovery issues.) Jeremy and I are going to have a good chat about it this weekend while we're out in the "mountains", so maybe I'll get a bit more perspective on it then.
But speaking of sites--omg I'm in love with what we've got going on at The Three Cheeses so far. The reactions of our friends, the ideas that people have sent for contributions, it's inspiring. I guess not even a week has gone by yet, but I have high hopes and am so excited for what's to come. It's nice to have time these days and to be able to devote it to things I like doing, like reading and writing and photography. :)
And last but not least, I'm also really excited for Ramsay to come to Australia! He should be flying out in a few hours from Vancouver, and then we pick him up on Saturday at the airport. While it might get kinda tough to have a house guest for so long (I think he's staying for a couple weeks... and I'm just particular sometimes about having my "me" time and not feeling like I have to entertain), Ramsay's about the best kind of person you can ask for, because he's pretty independent and, well, awesome! It'll be nice to see someone from home, because while I don't miss Canada quite yet, I do miss friends and a social life that's separate from Jeremy and Luke. Even my work friends are now also Jeremy's friends, because we work in the same place. It has other benefits, and I am very happy with where I am--don't get me wrong!--but well, I think you know what I mean.
Goodness, it's 2:10 am and I'm still writing. Better get off to bed. Hearts. :)