Sat, 09:02: RT @ idiographs: barbie discourse in 2023 is insane. acting like Ken was marketed towards little boys and men are losing representation. No…
Sat, 09:09: RT @ citizenstewart: Young people, learn this lesson. The old will use the powers of state to stop you from learning what they don't want yo…
Sat, 09:09: RT @ 0liviajulianna: Tennessee Republicans just expelled two black men from the legislature for protesting, but allowed the white legislator…
Sat, 09:13: RT @ mrsmcglover: Your party consistently mocks youth when they bring up the real issues that burden their lives. You openly hate gays, POC,…
Sat, 09:22: RT @ michelleerin: How is this pro-life. How is this compassionate. How is this what people think Jesus would do.
Sat, 09:24: RT @ AbdulElSayed: Federal judge outlaws abortion pills. Tennessee lawmakers ousted for speaking the truth on guns. Idaho legislature bans…